How A Godly Church Grows

Title: How A Godly Church Grows

Bible Book: 1 Corinthians 3 : 1-18

Author: Vince Hefner

Subject: Church Growth; Lordship; Giving; Christian Maturity



What happens when we don't grow spiritually? For certain we lose sight of the goal that Christ has for us to become fully developed spiritual persons. Also, we begin to look and act like people who are not Christians and because of this the church is made to suffer.

It is important for the Christian to grow and develop, but exactly how does that take place. Just how does a Christian individual continue to grow spiritually within a local church? That is our subject today.

I. Be Responsible for your own Spiritual Progress in the Church

First we need to know that there are three spiritual conditions, and only three spiritual conditions, possible for each person on earth at any given time.

A. First there is the Natural person

The natural person is someone who have never trust Christ, and thus that person is unsaved. Such a person does not possess the Holy Spirit in his or her life. This person needs to accept Christ and become a born-again Christian more than anything other need in life.

B. Secondly, there is the Carnal person

This person is somone who is a Christian but who is weak and thus behaves like the the natural person - that is, the carnal person lives for the world. You will find the carnal Christian descsribed as a "babe in Christ" - someone who has not grown much at all since being saved. The weak, carnal Christian needs the "milk" of God's Word implanted in the heart and life in order to grow and develop in the faith.

In the church the carnal person is especially dangerous. You see, the carnal Christian thinks that the years he or she has lived since being saved qualifies as a right to be a leader within the church. This leads to wordly decisions and actions within the church, and can create disunity among members and leaders in the congregaton. Carnal Christians (wordly believers in Christ) feel their opinions are correct though they do not follow the Spirit of God in their actions or decisions.

A woman had been at a company for 20 years. An opening became available for a promotion and she applied for the position. A lady who had been with the company for only 4 years got the job. The woman who had been at the company for 20 years went to the boss and complained. She said, "I have twenty years experience and you hired a woman with just 4 years experience." The boss said, "You are wrong. You have 1 year of experience 20 times. The other woman has grown with 4 years of experience."

Some Christians are so Carnal in nature that they may have been saved for a long time, but they have not progressed. A young Christian may be much more mature because he or she has grown every year, every week, or every day since being saved.

C. Lastly, we have the Spiritual person

The Spiritual person is a Christian who has responded to milk of God's word, submitted to the Holy Spirit, and has grown thereby into a mature, faithful, and dedicated Christian. The spiritual Christian seeks to be filled with the Holy Spirit, and follows God's leadership rather than public opinion or selfish ideals.

What is your spiritual diet? Are you growing through God's Word or living off the food of the world? Are you opinions shaped by contemporary society or by the Lord? You cannot become a Spiritual Christian without allowing God to shape you through His truth. The reason many churches are not growing is because of many natural and carnal members.

II. Be Responsible for Knowing God's Proper Place in the Church

Christ is the Head of the Church and the ministers are the servants of the Lord and the Church. Division is bound to come when we confuse who is in charge. Churches and Christians fail to grow unless recognition is given to the fact that Jesus is Lord of the Church (He Head of the Church) and we (Christians) are His servants. No person is above His Master, and in the Christian faith and local Christian church Jesus is the Master.

All growth comes from God! You cannot grow yourself in the Christian life. You grow by submitting to Christ and God's Word. The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Vine and we are the branches. The branch cannot grow apart from the Vine. All we need comes through Him. Titles, years of service, positions of leadership, etc., do not bring about a single iota of growth in the Christian life. Only total and absolute submission to His Lordship will cause us to grow.

Are you giving God His proper place in His Church? Are you giving Him the proper place in your heart and life?

III. Be Responsible for Giving through God's Plan for the Church

Paul gives two examples of giving (stewardship) - both of which are part of WHO WE ARE, not just what we give. The first involves three glorious images of faithful workers and givers in God's work.

A. He mentions Gold, Silver, Precious Stones

Gold, Silver and Precious stones are beautiful and substantial things. They stand for a Christian person who gives Christ the place of Lordship, especially in His Church. The Christian who submits to Christ, follows His Word, works through the local church, and gives financially to ensure that God's Church and work move forward, is building a life spiritual that is referred to in the Bible as "gold, silver and precious stones." That is what is important in the eyes of God. This kind of commitment lasts, just as the value of gold, silver and precious stones remain valuable through all generations. Those who serve God faithfully build a life that will be recognized into eternity.

B. Then Paul mentions giving that is Wood, Hay, and Straw

Wood, Hay and Straw speaks of a life lived in selfish interests, and a life lived with a lack of commitment to the Lordship of Christ in the individual heart. This kind of living produces nothing of value - not in this life or the life of others. In eternity this kind of living is seen as selfish and lacks the stewardship that God demands. God has put His salvation, life and eternity in us through Jesus. All the work and giving that is done in the flesh will be burned up in the judgment - like wood, hay and straw burns in a fire. How sad that some live in a manner that represents a wasted life. The Christian can live a life that is wasted, that is lacking of the energy and resources that God has given through His Son. However, the Christian can live a life that gives Jesus the proper place and produces fruit that will last forever.

God wants us to know that every life will SOMEHOW, SOMEWHERE, and SOMETIME render an account before God. The life we have lived will be judged. Don't get me wrong, you can't be saved and go to heaven by being good. Salvation is only available through repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ. But, even the Christian will be judged and all the things we've done or given in the flesh - as carnal Christian - will be destroyed.

How can you know if your living and giving is going to last and be Gold, Silver and Precious Stones at the Christian judgment?

First, if it is done according to His Word and pleases God, it will last.

Second, if it aligns itself with diivine Kingdom priorities, it will last.

Third, if it advances the purposes of Jesus in the world, it will last

IV. Be Responsible in Watching Out for Pitfalls for Yourself and the Church

Did you note that Paul said, "Don't deceive yourself?" In other words, he calls on us to check three things ...

  1. Check our own Motives
  2. Check your own Actions
  3. Check your own Spirit

The Church grows when Jesus grows it. Jesus said, "I will BUILD MY Church." He did not say He would build OUR Church, or that We could build His Church. He builds it, but only with good materials. Are you a growing Christian? Could you grow more? Sure you can. So can I. In order to do this, we need to submit to His Lordship afresh today.


Be assured that no one is saved by good works. Jesus alone saves. If you have never received Him into your life, you are in danger of being separated from God forever. Come to Christ today. Do not delay.

Know this, Christ grows His Church by saving us one at a time and then by growing us into the people we are meant to be.

Christian, do we need to recommit our selves to be gold, silver and precious stones in the great Church or our Lord? Let's do that today.

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