Heavenly Hope for Preserved People

Title: Heavenly Hope for Preserved People

Bible Book: Titus 1 : 2

Author: Donald Cantrell

Subject: Eternal Security; Hope; Salvation



In this message we will be very specific concerning the promise of eternal life and the child of God.

The Hope of Eternal Life:

  • Hope that is soothing & timely
  • Hope that is sure & true

The History of Eternal Life:

  • Eternal life & its origin - Heart of God
  • Eternal life & its offering - Heart of Man

I. This is an Anticipated Promise (hope)

If man had of produced eternal life we would be in trouble, but this hope comes from God. In choosing to save the souls of man God originated a plan that would save them freely and eternally. If God is involved it will be done right.

A. It Is a Pleasurable Thought

I find great assurance and inward satisfaction in knowing that I am not only saved but that I am saved forever. This great truth did not originate in the dark dungeons of the dregs of hell, but in the heart of a holy God before man had ever set one foot upon a piece of sod. I find much assurance in this biblical truth.

1. One That Stirs Me

I may not get stirred up over a lot of things but I can surely get excited over eternal security. Eternal security is one of the most misunderstood truths inside and outside of our churches. Regardless of the doubters or the disputers, I plan on getting stirred and excited over this divine truth.

2. One That Soothes Me

The thought of eternal life is soothing to my soul due to the fact that I do not always “feel” as if I am saved; in spite of this I am still saved. In the face of gloom and doom I am as saved as the day that I made my profession. In life we may drift in the wrong direction, in spite of this I am still saved; I may be miserable but I am still eternally saved. It soothes my soul as I live from day to day. I have observed many people having difficulty in getting Jesus into their heart, but I have never observed anyone that has gotten Jesus out of their heart. It is impossible once he sets up abode in our heart.

B. It Is a Preachable Truth

The thought of eternal security is not just pleasurable, it is also preachable. I can boldly rise up and proclaim that salvation is free and also forever. The preacher that does not have boldness in preaching this foundational doctrine needs to dig deeper in the scriptures until he can preach this truth in power and assurance. In standing behind the pulpit we must dig out sacred truths, and then we must dish them out on plates that are eatable and helpful for our listeners to live more effectively for God.

1. Strength for the Saint

The disciple of God can find much strength in knowing that he is eternally saved and secure without doubt, without dread, and without debate. In life we face various worries and many attacks upon our life, in facing them God strengthens us with the delightful doctrine of eternal salvation.

2. Salvation for the Sinner

The promise of eternal life is not just strength for the sinner but it also is salvation for the sinner. The eternal promise is an eternal provision of everlasting life for every lost person that is willing to trust Jesus.

II. This Is an Authentic Promise (God. cannot lie)

The text states that this promise was conceived before this world ever came into existence. It is based upon the unerring truths found in the perfect person of an eternal God. It is only an eternal being that can offer an eternal promise. God is the only one that promises eternal life, it can be found in none other. The eternal birth is the only one that actually offers immediate eternal life. In all other realms of life, we find that death begins the very moment of life, not so with God.

A. Based on the Pure Character of God - Personal Holiness

The promise of eternal life is believable because of the pure holy character of God. The Lord has never lied and his promises are true. God swears no oaths because of his pureness and his undeniable words of truth.

B. Based on the Proven Character of God - Past History

If we were to go back and inspect various promises of God we would find that he is batting 100 % in fulfilling his promises. One must realize that God has his own standard and this standard is ultimate unrivaled perfection. The past history of God screams loudly to the onlooker that his promises are precisely fulfilled down to the smallest and seemingly insignificant details. God’s character is not only pure it is historically proven.

III. This Is an Ancient Promise (before the world began)

In the ions of time, before man, before, angels, before light or darkness, the very creator of life conceived the idea of eternal security that could only be attained through the death of his son, he birthed the idea anyway. The fall of man did not take God by surprise nor did the evil ways of his arch enemy, so God set up a divine plan and a divine promise.

A. God Has Foreseen the Person of Christ (I Peter 1:18-20)

In the eyes of God Jesus was the sacrificial sacrifice before man even came into existence. In order for one to have eternal life then one must encounter eternal love and this was found through the sinless spotless Lamb of God. It seemed as if man would be doomed for an eternal hell, but God had an eternal plan for life rather than death. I am so glad that God could foresee my eternal need of salvation.

B. God Has Foreseen the Passion of Christ (Revelation 13:8)

In the book of Revelation we find people rejoicing and worshipping the precious son of God. This praise is acceptable and acknowledged due to the one that was ordained to pay the price for the sin of the entire world.

C. God Has Foreseen the People of Christ (Ephesians 1:4)

It is not to go unnoticed that an eternal God would extend an eternal salvation to the fallen human race. In doing this God was not nor is he now surprised at those that have trusted in Jesus for this fountain of eternal life. It has often been stated that tomorrow’s news will be old news to God.

D. God Has Foreseen the Prize of Christ (Matthew 25:34)

The knowledge of God foresaw the sacrificial death of his son and the wonderful selection of those that would receive him. It also foreknew that one day he would take us to a place that he would prepare for us. I do not know what my mansion will look like, but God had it on his heavenly agenda before the world was even perceived.


I hope that we will not take this doctrine of eternal security lightly. It was important to God before the world was spoken into existence. It was so important that God allowed his only son to die on the cross for us. It was so important that God had already made plans for our plans for our future existence even before we were born. Eternal security is of utmost importance to God, how important is it to you?


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