Having Joy In The Brethren

Title: Having Joy In The Brethren

Bible Book: Philemon 1 : 19

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Joy; Church Family Joy



As you think about the Christian life and the experiences you've had, what types of things bring you joy? I think I've found that hearing of the spiritual victories in the lives of those I've helped disciple bring me much joy. That's why it's so important to use your life for Christ, to pour your life into some young Christian. Nothing will brings me greater joy than hearing how well David is doing in the ministry. How I love to hear of the victories from Glena and Sharon. I rejoice with Diago and Dana's acceptance to the IMB and all the brethren who've left WBC and my other ministries to serve the Lord. But I also rejoice with those who serve here at home; AWANA, Drama, POP's, WCS, the CDC, the youth, the deacons, the SS teachers who help form and strengthen lives, the list goes on-and-on.

This is Paul's desire as well.

I. The Spiritual Heart Of Paul, vs. 20.

A. He Had A Heart Of Spiritual Sincerity, vs. 20.

Yea, brother… vs. 20.

Paul wasn't ashamed to call Philemon his brother. They had been forgiven by the same Lord. They had been washed in the same blood! They had been joined by their relationship to Christ and that was important to Paul. It was also important to remind Philemon of that fact. However I believe Paul had another motive in using this word brother; I believe he wanted to remind Philemon they were on the same team. Paul is clarifying his intent. In essence he's saying, “I've not ordered you to do something against your will. I've not scolded you for being bad. I want you to see that my heart is for your spiritual growth. What an opportunity this is for you to show your Christian witness, growth and love for Christ!”

Not only do we see he had a heart of spiritual sincerity but also he had a heart of spiritual success.

B. He Had A Heart Of Spiritual Success, vs. 20.

…let me have joy of thee in the Lord… vs. 20.

Paul, as any true Christian, wanted Philemon to succeed in this great test. Paul wanted Philemon to bless him and set his heart to rest. I do believe we all wonder if our new converts really got saved or at least we wonder how much of God they really did get. Paul was saying, “Philemon if you do this it will set my heart at ease regarding your relationship to our Lord.”

Not only do we see the spiritual heart of Paul but also the spiritual health of Paul.

II. The Spiritual Health Of Paul, vs. 20.

A. The Freshness That Was Needed, vs. 20.

…refresh my bowels… vs. 20.

Paul is saying it would be so refreshing to see a Christian who acted like a Christian. We're missing a lot of that today and it would be great to see a strong conservative Christian standing on the promises! So many who call themselves Christians are simply associated with the church but when the time comes to be crucified they're with the rest of the disciples. A recent politician said "…my faith teaches me that abortion is wrong but if I'm elected I'll follow the desires of the people." Another said "…my faith teaches me that the death penalty is wrong but if I'm elected I'll enforce the law." God help us! Where are the men and women who stand on their conviction?

Not only do we see the freshness that was needed but also the focus that was heeded.

B. The Focus That Was Heeded, vs. 20.

…in the Lord., vs. 20.

Where else would Paul's focus be? He didn't want this for himself! He wanted it for God's glory! We've got to stop thinking about what we want and start thinking about what God wants and when we find that out we must do it for His glory! We've got to be willing to leave the comfort of where we are to go where God wants us to be. This was the heart of Paul!

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