Having A Great Witness

Title: Having A Great Witness

Bible Book: Philemon 1 : 6

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Testimony; Witnessing



It takes a lifetime to build a good witness but only one insensitive, irresponsible act to cause people to begin to question it. Paul is trying to prick Philemon's conscience here by reminding him of his impeccable testimony. Sometime reminding people of the value of their walk with God will inspire them to do what's right even if in their hearts they want to do something different! Notice how Paul communicates this great truth to Philemon.

I. How His Testimony Is Communicated, vs. 6

A. By Its Range, vs. 6

...the communication of thy faith... vs. 6. The range of our testimony is only limited by our faith. Here is a great truth for us all; the more faith you have the greater the range of your witness. In order for our testimony to be effective in a positive way people must see that we believe God and obey Him! Our faith will allow us greater range when we love, forgive, go, work, witness and give of our time, talent and treasure! James reminded us ...as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. James 2:26. Paul is now reminding Philemon of the range of his powerful and faithful witness. His testimony is not only communicated by its range but also by its result.

B. By Its Result, vs. 6

... effectual... vs. 6. A real truth we all need to face is that people know much about your walk with God by the results of your words and actions. Philemon had a strong testimony. It had changed people's lives, it had led others to Christ and it had helped people from all walks of life. Now do you see why Paul wanted to remind Philemon of his testimony? Let's not blow it over this issue with Onesimus! Sometimes we need to consider what's worth blowing our testimony over! I'll tell you here and now the only reason you'll blow your testimony is when you don't believe God! God can take care of it all; your enemies, your finances, your pet peeves, your health, your committee, your deacon and your pastor! The only time you'll take over is when you stop believing ...Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Romans 12:19. What Paul is actually reminding Philemon is spiritually you don't have a dog in this fight! It's your job to forgive and it's God's job to repay! Not only do we see how his testimony is communicated but also how his testimony is consecrated.

II. How His Testimony Is Consecrated, vs. 6

A. By The Work Of His Mind, vs. 6

...by the acknowledging of every good thing... vs. 6. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2. Sometimes it's mind over matter, faith over fear. A lot of the things we get hung up on we should pay no mind. Our testimony is revealed when we're able to acknowledge good. The word acknowledge means to identify. I honestly believe a lot of church people have a tough time recognizing what is good, what is right and what is just. Listen! If you're going to consecrate or finish the will of God you've got to know or acknowledge it! Paul is encouraging Philemon, look man, we've got a good start so lets finish the race. Not only is our testimony consecrated by the work of our mind but also by the work of our Master.

B. By The Work Of Our Master, vs. 6

...in Christ Jesus., vs. 6. This isn't something you'll just do because you decide to do it even though it starts there. You need Christ in your heart to do the right thing when the chips are down. So many fail because they get to this point and don't have Christ in their heart! Paul is preparing Philemon to understand he can't do this in his own strength but he can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13. Christ will give him the strength. Are you failing at your attempt to do good? Maybe you need just a closer walk with Thee!

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