Gone Fishing

Title: Gone Fishing

Bible Book: Mark 1 : 17

Author: O.S. Hawkins

Subject: Soul Winning; Evangelism; Witnessing



Mark 1:17

“Follow Me.”

Those were two words spoken so often by our Lord. He came upon a group of fishermen who were engrossed in their lifetime fishing business, looked them squarely in the eyes, and called them to put away their nets and follow Him on a life-transforming journey. In Capernaum, he saw a Jew taking up tax money for the Roman oppressors. Again, He spoke those two simple words and Matthew put down his money pouch and followed after Him. Over and over in the gospels we hear this simple call.

When we heed His call today and become followers, we then become interested in what He was interested in. Jesus revealed to us that he had “come to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10). The truth is, if we are genuinely following, we are also fishing.

I. A Real Fisherman is Positive

A real fisherman is always just one cast away from landing the big one. This is the type of person Jesus calls to follow Him. He is after those who are positive; those who see an answer in every problem, not those who look for problems in every answer. The real fisherman is positive.

II. A Real Fisherman is Persistent

This is exactly the type of person the Lord Jesus knew it would take to transform a world. He goes after those who are not simply positive, but persistent. He calls folks who have a “never give up” attitude, who keep on keeping on, regardless of the circumstances or situations. A real fisherman is persistent.

III. A Real Fisherman is Patient

Jesus knew when He called those fishermen to follow Him that one of their common characteristics was patience. They could not have spent their lives at this trade without it. He knew that those who followed Him would have to be patient in future times when the situation would appear hopeless. He is still looking for men and women who are not “locked in” to one way of doing things. He desires us to be willing to try different methods as we “fish” for the souls of men. He knew that a real fisherman is patient.

IV. A Real Fisherman is Passionate

This is the type of person Jesus wants on His team. He is still calling passionate people to follow Him. He longs for his followers to always hate to lose one. Learning from the Lord I try to look for people who are positive, persistent, patient and passionate.


As you memorize this verse, meditate on the wonder that the Lord Jesus still uses ordinary people, like you and me, to do such extra ordinary things for this glory. “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

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