Glorious Grace For Sinful Souls

Title: Glorious Grace For Sinful Souls

Bible Book: Titus 2 : 11-12

Author: Donald Cantrell

Subject: Grace of God



Titus 2:11-12 "11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men, 12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;"

In this message we will look at the grace of God that has been freely given to provide salvation for the entire world.

The Truth Concerning Grace

  Its price - Free

  Its provision - Freedom

The Theme Concerning Grace:

  Given for the souls of mankind

  Given for the salvation of mankind

I. Definition of Grace Is Truthfully Explained (grace)

It has been stated that grace is the unmerited favor of God. Literally grace is something that comes from God and is given unto man. Sinful man is extended a free gift that comes from the throne room of heaven.

A. Godward - Act of Divine Love That Calls for Salvation

I cannot fathom that a Holy God would love me enough to extend his favor towards me, he actually loves me. This is a divine act of love; this is a pure love one that seems to be lopsided at its beginning. I did not love God, he loved me.

B. Manward - Acceptance of Divine Love That Cleanses from Sin

On the man side of this act, I have to receive this gift of grace and love for it to be of any value in my life. The act of love and the extension of grace is done on the God side but on the man side I still must accept this gift for it to cleanse my sinful soul.

II. Donation of Grace Is Tenderly Extended (bringeth salvation)

The gift of salvation was gift wrapped in beautiful wrappings of the grace of God. It was a mighty and wonderful day when God decided to bring salvation to a lost and dying world.

A. It was a Calculated Donation - One’s Love (Romans 5: 6 - 7)

I was lost and hopeless in my sinful state but God remembered me and desired to offer his love to me. It was a calculated love that brought grace and salvation towards me.

B. It was a Costly Donation - One’s Life (Romans 5: 8)

God did not seek to save me because I was good, but he came to me even though I was an indifferent ungodly lost sinner. It was one of the costliest gifts that could ever be offered. A holy God descends down to an unholy world to saved them from a destructive demise and pulls them from the hot flames of hell.

III. Display of Grace Is Touchingly Exampled (teaching us)

I am thankful that grace becomes my teacher. I can now learn to walk a walk that is pleasing unto the Lord. It is touching to know that God not only saves me but he also is willing to guide me in my path.

A. Students of Grace Must Walk Cautiously - Avoid Pollution

The Christian life is one that should be clean and constantly guarded. We cannot just live as if we have no standards. We must walk cautiously and carefully so that we keep our lives clean and pure and avoid the pollution of this vile world.

B. Students of Grace Must Walk Correctly - Attain Purity

The correct walk is one that is strategic and satisfying. The Christian learns from the teachings of grace and takes advantage of it in his life. In our life we should strive to have cleanliness and purity.

IV. Dominion of Grace Is Triumphantly Endorsed (all men)

I am so glad that God did not discriminate in offering his grace to the world. In extending his grace he did not leave anyone out or miss anyone. The grace of God is for the entire world, it is boundless and unlimited in its appearance.

A. God’s Loving Grace has Powerfully Appeared to this World

The extension of God’s grace was powerfully offered and its appearance could not been hindered or halted. The world can vaguely comprehend the vastness of God’s love and the extension of his wondrous grace.

B. God’s Loving Grace has Plainly Appealed to this World

One does need education to receive this wondrous grace and love. It does not require any type of economical standing or social standing. It has plainly appeared and appealed unto the entire world.


We should be thankful that God has allowed his grace and love to appear unto the entire world. It was extended without price or payment, it is freely offered.

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