Getting Over Your Head In The New Year

Title: Getting Over Your Head In The New Year

Bible Book: Ezekiel 47 : 1-10

Author: Vince Hefner

Subject: Holy Spirit; Christian Growth; Commitment



Where you go in the New Year will depend upon who you are following. God gave Ezekiel a vision of things to come for his people, and pointed out that his nation would be defeated, the people would be dispersed, and the Temple would be destroyed. Even in this vision God gave Ezekiel a vision granting him encouragement. What about in your life and mine? Do you feel that things are in danger of coming apart. Well, let me tell you that when everything nailed down seems to be coming loose, what we need is a Word from God. That is what Ezekiel was open to receive and that is what he received. God will speak to those who are willing to listen, and if the news is not positive, God will gie you peace and comfort.

How was the negative vision God gave Ezekiel a comfort? The vision was that the Nation of the Jewish people would live again – the dry bones would come to life. God told Ezekiel that Jerusalem and the Temple would be rebuilt following the awful defeat. Then God revealed an amazing image to the Prophet Ezekiel showing him water coming out from the Temple. The water was a vision of the divine replenishing of the land. The water began ankle deep but offered the advanced opportunity for one to plunge in to a flood of blessings.

Let's look at the importance of the vision that God gave the prophet.

I. Note the Door

You need to know that Jesus is the Door of life and the Door to a deeper, more profound, and more effective life in the New Year.

Look at John 10:9, “I am the door; by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved.”

You and I must begin life with Jesus. He is The Life, - The Way - The Truth. If you start the New Year in an way other than following Jesus you are going the wrong way.

Your life must start with Jesus through faith, because you can’t see through the Door to all that is beyond. We do not live by sight, but by faith. That means that we come to Jesus by faith and trust Him to direct and guide our lives. You cannot see what is going to happen and what God has planned, but you can trust the Lord – and He is the only one you can trust.

He is the door to salvation, to service, to satisfaction, and to the supply of all you will need in the New Year.

Principles can guide you, but cannot save you.

Works can keep you busy, but they cannot save you.

To modify the words of Charles Spurgeon, morality can keep you out of jail, but cannot put you into Heaven.

II. Note the Distribution

Jesus is the source of the Water’s flow and all blessings come through Him. This is the only place where the Water of Life can be found. In a New Testament sense, the Water of the Spirit flows from Christ – in fact, the Water is Jesus. The water represents the loving, healing Spirit of God. He distributes what we need, when we need and where we need it. You cannot find the healing of forgiveness in any other place but the Spirit of God – the Comforter – Jesus. You cannot add to this Water. Jesus is the source - Christ is all sufficient. The Water of Life flows from Him.

In Ezekiel’s vision, the water came from beneath the Door. You will see in the passage that the altar is mentioned. The Altar was a place of sacrifice. Just think of this in New Testament terms. Jesus died at Calvary for you. He was the Lamb placed on the Altar. He became the sacrifice for all mankind – for the sins of the world. The Cross is the place to begin. We must admit our sin, our need, our weakness and our failures. Come back to the Old Rugged Cross to begin this New Year. Ask God to forgive you and to empower you with the Water of His Spirit – from the Altar of His Sacrifice.

Know this, the Lord does not have favorites. He will distribute to you what is necessary for you to live and serve Him as quickly as He will to any other. You have all of God you desire. He distributes the blessing of His Spirit – the Water – to all who are ready to receive. Are you ready to serve God more fully, more faithfully and more fruitfully in the New year? He is ready to bless you as soon as you are ready to be obedient and useful to Him. The distribution is determined by your dedication.

III. Note the Direction

The Water came from a specific place and traveled to a specific place. God’s Spirit is moving NOW! God is moving into the New Year. Will you place yourself in the path of God’s mighty Spirit in New Year?

The weakness of many Christians is that we want God to bless our plans while we disregard HIS Plans. God has His own plans, and you and I are to get in on His plans if we expect to be our best and experience His best throughout the next 365 days.

The Water is a picdture of God's nature, thus the Water knew which way to go - the Water had a plan - that is, God has a plan for you. God has a plan for your family. God has a plan for this Church. But, we must come to the Door – to Jesus afresh and be ready to yield totally to Him in order to know the blessings that God plans for us. We have to give up on our abilities and trust what He can do, what He will do and what He wants to do through us. The Water of the Spirit moves now to fulfill God’s purpose.

When water comes in powerful force one cannot change its course or direction. Think of a tsunami - it comes ashore in such power that it takes houses, hotels, buses, cars, trees, and everything in its path. Mere physical power is impotent in the midst of its force. Think of the hurricane waters that blasted New Orleans a few years ago. Nothing could stop it. Dear people, God is moving in a Spiritual sense – the Water of God’s purpose will be accomplished - we can get in or get run over. The question is will you be in its flow or run over by its force.

I think of the Pharisees in the New Testament. They were dedicatedb but they were dedicated to their own plan and not God’s plan. They could have risen to great heights on the flood of God’s blessing, but they were run over by the water’s judgment. Which will you and I choose? Submit your plans to God’s will and the wonderful Water of blessing will flow over you.

You can pretend that you are in charge and the Water doesn’t exist but that doesn’t change anything! You can fight the Water and try to change its direction – but that is futile.


What should we do? You can trust the River of Life because the Water is a PERSON, with a PURPOSE and a PLAN for each one of us! How much of God’s Spirit are you willing to allow into your life during this New Year?

Today is the day to submit anew to Jesus – the Water of Life. Tell Him now that you want Him to have His way in your life. If you are not saved, come to Him today – he will give you the Water of Life.

Every Christian, knowing that you are already saved, should look into your heart right now and ask if you are willing to capitulate, succumb and give in to the will and power of God in this New Year. If we are willing to do that today, this New Year is GOING TO BE ONE GREAT YEAR, INDEED!

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