Get Ready To Meet God

Title: Get Ready To Meet God

Bible Book: Amos 4 : 12

Author: Jack Auten

Subject: Jesus, Rejection of; Salvation; Judgment; Excuses



Amos 4:12

In our American way of life, being prepared, covered, ready, stocked up, insured is our way of life. We have life insurance, burial insurance, auto insurance, homeowner's insurance, travel insurance, hospital insurance, drug insurance, you name it, there's an insurance for it. We're ready for just about anything. However there is something that is going to happen to every single person sooner or later that very few are prepared for and it is the most important thing in a person's life to be prepared for and that is to meet God

Believe it or not, care or not, think of it or not, ignorant of it or not, it is a fact! It is going to happen, and nothing will prevent it. Every human being will stand before God and give an account of his/her life on this earth. Sadly most people are not ready, not prepared to stand and meet God.

I. Why Get Ready To Meet God Anyhow?

A. God commands it!

Running throughout the Bible like a golden thread is the command "prepare to meet thy God."

The wisest of all, the one who knows the future advises us, "prepare to meet thy God."

Who are we, mere human beings, to turn away in defiance from our holy creator? Shall we, whose very lives, are utterly dependent upon the divine will of the creator ignore and turn away from His command? This is God's commandment: "prepare to meet thy God!"

B. Our Nature commands it!

Our pitiful morality, our old sin nature, our natural way of life demands it! Within every human being there is a sickness which rules and it is called SIN. God assigns a single word describing the result of that sickness and it is LOST. Those outside of Jesus Christ, God's Son, where most of humanity dwell are LOST. "All have sinned and come short of the glory of God."

"There is not a just man upon earth, that doeth good and sinneth not."  "...except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."

"Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish."

What exactly is "being lost?"

Jesus walked this earth and asked the question: "What shall it profiteth a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his soul?" We are included in that question. What does it mean to "lose his soul?" Jesus didn't mean that at death one becomes extinct, that death ended it all. He never taught any such thing. Jesus taught that every human being has an eternal part and that is called the "soul," that lives on after the body dies. That person will continue to live on either in a place called heaven or a place called hell.

Jesus taught that "you reap what you sow.." In other words, depending upon what one does with God while alive. If God is not obeyed, but is rather ignored and is not a part of that earthly life, then that person will not be with God in eternity. However if God is obeyed, and belief is Jesus happens, then that person will spend eternity with God in heaven.

Where one spends eternity will depend upon whether one has made the adequate preparation to meet God.

II. How Does One Get Ready To Meet God?

A. God's Word reveals what is necessary

"In the day that thou seekest me with thy whole heart I will be found of thee.."

"Ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart."

B. Jesus taught two things very clearly

Repentance toward God and Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Here we are: morally sick, defeated, lost, hostile, disobedient in God's sight, having violated and ignored God's laws. Here is God: calling us to repent of our evil ways, to turn from our sins, to forsake our sinful way of life, and for us to do so in obedience is repentance. When by faith we commit ourselves to Jesus Christ, when by faith believing that Jesus Christ has already paid for our sins and that He will make us right and accepted with God, we are then ready to meet God. Doing all this upon the promise of God's Word, by our FAITH.

Whoever turns away from their sinful ways, turning with absolute surrender to Jesus Christ, will be forgiven, saved and stands ready to meet God.

III. When Does One Get Ready To Meet God?

A. Note the Limitations

There are limitations that have been set, a time limit in a sense has been placed upon us and if we pass this limit without taking Jesus Christ as our Savior, then ALL is lost.

B. Note the Warnings

God warns all through His Word about the importance and the eternal value placed on this time limit.

"Past Redemption Point" is a sign above a dangerous water fall and if one goes past that sign, there is no hope of being saved for all will be lost in the dangerous waters In the human life, there are similar signs, "do not go past this point," "danger, do not cross," "past redemption point," etc.

C. Note the Time to be Saved

So, when should one get ready to meet God? What about using one's best judgment? What exactly does God say about "going too far?" "Boast not thyself of tomorrow, for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth." He also said, "My Spirit will not always strive with man..."

Furthermore, he reminded us that “…In the unexpected hour the blow falls, in the unexpected hour the end comes.”

When, exactly should one get ready to meet God?

Right now! This very moment! If you have not accepted God's Son with all your being, if you have not entrusted your eternal existence to Jesus Christ, then do so right now.

"Today is the time of salvation," the Bible states.

Every day every one  of us fails God at some point. Everyday everyone fails to live a life pleasing to God. Everyday everyone robs him/herself of blessings from God. Everyday everyone needs to be living a Christ-like life and to be influencing others for God.


1. Without Jesus Christ in your life, you are not prepared to meet God.

2. The angels in heaven don't know when you will be called into eternity and then you will stand before God. When will you stand before God? Only God knows that.

3. Every day that one puts off getting ready to meet god makes it harder to ever make the decision to do what God requires to be ready to meet Him.

4. If, just if, you were to die today, are you ready to stand before God?

5. Jesus stands with His hands outstretched to yo -, how long has He had them stretched out to you? When might He withdraw those hands from you?

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