Fulfilled By God

Title: Fulfilled By God

Bible Book: Matthew 1 : 18-25

Author: Bill Cannon

Subject: Prophecy; Christmas; Birth of Christ



The Christmas story seems to be so familiar to many who attend church regularly. Many persons know the basic outline and sing the regular carols that make the season special? Have you ever been so familiar with something that you overlook the details? You get up every morning, get your self and the kids ready for the day, and take them to school. You are so familiar with them that you probably do not notice the details of the children's clothes that day. What did your kids wear to school last Friday? How many of you remember what your children are wearing today?

The path one travels everyday to work and school becomes so familiar that details are missed. This happens to us each year around Christmas. We are so familiar that we miss the details. Now details can drive us crazy, but details are very important. Think about the details of your latest blood test or  the last operation your surgeon performed on your loved one. Details are important and the Christmas story is packed full of details.

Details directions are important when we are traveling down a strange road to a strange place. The Christmas story may be classified strange because the birth of a child to a virgin does not happen. In this passage we discover important details/directions that lead us to the destination God has planned for His people. This destination takes us to God Himself as the Incarnate Son. How do we navigate this strange journey? The details are in this passage.

I. Joseph's Engagement verses 18-19

Jewish life placed engagement on the level of marriage under the law. When one became engaged he could only break the engagement through a divorce as if he were already married. The marriage was not consummated until after the marriage, but breaking the engagement was a serious matter.

Mary and Joseph were not married; they had not consummated their marriage. After learning of Mary's pregnancy Joseph was willing to divorce her privately without making a big public spectacle of her.

Matthew describes Joseph with the word "just." Another translation renders the word "righteous." When one reads this word he may get the impression that Joseph was sinless or perfect. This word rather indicates that Joseph was a man that followed the law and lived a life of good character with a good reputation.

It was a part of Joseph's character to privately deal with the matter of Mary's pregnancy. The law called on him to divorce Mary and allow the public to know her as an adulteress. Joseph was not going to take that action. Joseph had his mind made up to privately separate from Mary. God had other plans for Joseph that he was not aware of just yet.

II. The Angel's Announcement verses 20-21

Joseph may have had his plan, but God had His plan and He was about to let Joseph in on the details. God let Joseph know where He was going with this situation and with his life. Many times in our own life we have our plans and we make our decisions only to have God step in and change them so that He can accomplish His plan. God had a plan for Mary and Joseph. His plan was so wonderful that He sent an angel to announce the news to Joseph.

The Lord God has revealed Himself through creation in many ways. The writer of Hebrews wrote that "God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets." God spoke directly to Moses as man talks face to face. In this case before the New Testament was written He spoke to Joseph through an angel in a dream.

The angel explained to Joseph what was going on with Mary and what was going to happen. Mary was indeed with Child but not from another man; instead she was with child from the Holy Spirit. The angel instructed Joseph to name this new son Jesus, which means savior. Jesus' name reflected what He would do for His people.

III. God's Fulfillment verses 22-25

What was the purpose of all this? Why a child born of woman from the Holy Spirit? Why did Joseph have to go through this seeming humiliation? God had a plan and His plan was about to be fulfilled in Jesus. God had a plan to redeem His creation before the creation and fall of that creation. God had made Himself known through Israelite people and know His going to make Himself known through His Son.

The day of sins' domination over God's creation was coming to a close. The day when God's creation would finally be forgiven of sin once and for all was about to come to pass. The savior was about to come and save God's people. The prophets foretold this day and God was keeping His promise.

Joseph believed the report of the Angel. He responded and took Mary to be his wife and she did bring forth the Son and did call His name Jesus. Joseph's simple act of obedience played a part in God's fulfilling His plan. God fulfilled this grand scale plan through a simple just man. What is God planning do through you to fulfill His plan today? Rear the next missionary to ...? Prepare the next pastor or pastor's wife? What does God want to fulfill in and through you?

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