Found Faithful

Title: Found Faithful

Bible Book: 1 Corinthians 4 : 2

Author: Preston A. Taylor

Subject: Stewardship; Faithfulness



l Corinthians 4:2. "Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful."

The State of Wyoming is the home of the Yellowstone National Park. One of the interesting places in this park is the "Old Faithful Geyser." About twenty times a day a huge spray of water comes out of the ground, reaching a height of about fifty yards. The temperature of the water is above 200 degrees, and the steam is about 350 degrees. The huge mass of water continues for about three to five minutes, and six to eight thousand gallons of water spew into the air. The place is called "Old Faithful" because that activity has been going on non-stop for centuries.

Paul wrote a letter to the people in Corinth, stating that they were to be faithful. The text is a great one, "Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful." The dictionary states that one who is faithful is "firm, constant, steadfast, loyal, true." Your word is your bond and your actions show it.

The requirement is not that one be successful, rich, or famous. The word is faithful. And that’s what you have been in this place. Across the years, your commitment to the cause of Christ is one of dedication, unswerving loyalty.

You follow the example of Noah who preached for one hundred twenty years. You are like Abraham who followed God across the burning sands of the desert from his old home to his new one. You’re like Jonah who preached in Nineveh for forty days and forty nights. You’re like Paul who said, "I have kept the faith." You carry out the words that are found in the book of Revelation about "being faithful unto death and receiving the crown of life."

A motto that some churches have includes five important areas: Exalting God in worship, evangelizing the unreached, edifying one another, equipping the saints to serve, and extending God’s kingdom. Let’s look at each of these areas briefly. Yes, briefly.

I. We are to Exalt the Lord

We are to exalt the Lord. In fact, we are to exalt and glorify God in all that we do. We are to lift up and magnify His wonderful name.

Creation exalts and praises the Lord. Psalms 19:1 states, "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament showeth His handiwork." Isaiah 55:12 declares that the mountains and the hills break forth into singing and all the trees of the field clap their hands because of the wonders of God’s work.

God’s people are to exalt and praise Him. I grew up in a country church in Arkansas. During those years, especially during a revival, the church had what was called an "A-men corner." A few of the older men sat in that spot and they came in with a strong "A-men" as the preacher spoke. They had the duty to praise the Lord, even if others failed to do so. Jesus said in Matthew 5:16, "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven."

The Westminster Larger Catechism has as its first question, "What is the chief and highest end of man?" The answer comes back; "Man's chief and highest end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever."

Psalms 22:3 states that "God inhabits the praises of His people." He makes His home in the place where we talk of Him and exalt His name. Psalms 137:6 states that if the writer didn’t love God’s house above every other place that his tongue would cleave to the roof of his mouth. Billy Graham said that if he didn’t give God the praise for all that happened in his ministry that his lips would turn to clay.

A dramatic scene appears in the Luke 19:27-40. The last week of the life of Jesus was quickly coming to an end. Soon He would be crucified. As he rode a donkey down the slopes of the Mount of Olives toward Jerusalem, multitudes followed and ran before Jesus. They tossed down their jackets and broke off palm branches from trees as they praised God, saying, "Blessed be the King who comes in the name of the Lord." Some Pharisees said to Jesus, "Rebuke your disciples." Jesus answered, "I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out." Our duty is to recognize God and exalt His name in all we do.

II. We are to Evangelize the Lost

We are to evangelize the lost. Jesus said, "For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which is lost." Once Jesus shared a parable about outreach. The words have been reverberating across the centuries, "Go out into the highways and hedges, and compel them to come in, that my house may be filled" (Luke 14:23).

One member of a church became excited when his pastor challenged all of them to get busy and involved in visitation in their town. Once a week a large group goes out, knocks on doors, witnesses, leaves tracts, and invites people to accept Jesus as Savior and come to God’s house. After a few weeks, one church member said to his pastor, "You know, the best way for me to get out from under this weekly job is for me to ‘get into the ministry’ and send others out." Yes, we can go.

A lady had been talking to an Indian doctor who lives in her town. She invited him to the worship services and be blessed by what goes on in this place. He said to her, "You mean that beautiful church there in the center of town?" When she told him that she was inviting him to this church, he said, "You mean, I can go to church there?" She answered, "Yes, sir. We would be glad to see you any time you can come." That’s evangelizing, that’s reaching out to others.

Larry Gross carries a cross all over South Texas. One Sunday night about five or six of us walked up and down San Bernardo Street in Laredo, Texas, with Larry as we were giving out hundreds of tracts, and talking to people about Jesus. The people look at Larry carrying the big cross, and they never give any negative reaction to any of the testimonies that we share with along the way. Hundreds and hundreds of young people line that street for about five or six blocks during the warmer nights until 11:00 p.m. Then the police "shoo" they away and tell them to go home.

After our special night of visiting, the following day we made a quick trip to the Laredo Times office. An interview was arranged, and Larry’s picture carrying the cross, came out in the newspaper. Thousands in Laredo, a town of 250,000, plus many others across South Texas, saw the front page picture and long write-up. We can find many ways to "evangelize," if we try.

One cartoon showed an elderly, white-haired pastor on a lake fishing. He said, "Now Lord, I know that you said for us to ‘fish for men’, but Lord, is it okay if we throw some of them back in?" Jesus said, "I will make you fishers of men" (Matt. 4:19).

The final words of Jesus after His resurrection and before His ascension were, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature…." (Matt. 28:18).

III. We are to Edify one Another

We are to edify one another. We can build up each other. Romans 15:2 states, "Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up (edify)."

An experience became indelibly inscribed itself into the mind of one pastor . An old flea-bitten, lazy dog lay beneath a bush near the door of a restaurant. A couple was about to enter the building. The lady said some kind words to the dog, and that animal responded with alertness. He really took on new life by a few words that he heard spoken to him.

A little while later, the man and woman walked out of the restaurant. She had a little food that she gave to the dog. He ate the food almost as fast as a freshman in high school can eat a plate of food in the school cafeteria. The couple walked on toward their room at the motel. The dog trotted just behind them. He had really been "edified." His life for the next week had been changed, no doubt.

Solomon wrote, "A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver" (Proverbs 25:11). Good words can make a difference in life for any of us, can’t they?

We can encourage children who come to Sunday School. Mrs. John Mogford was saying some good things to her Sunday School class one day. One of the little fellows asked, "But do we always have to pay when we come to Sunday School?" Find a way to encourage them.

Sunday School teachers need encouragement. Some teachers serve for ten, fifteen, and some thirty and more years. Let’s give them a big word of appreciation for their work. The hours they spend preparing lessons, contacting their members, praying, and working - - well, they merit our appreciation.

What about the musicians? We need to have a banquet once a year in honor of all the workers - - deacons, musicians, elders, ushers, teachers, and all the rest.

Those who may not teach or lead in some other way add much to the life of the church. We need to "build/edify" these saints.

Years ago Pastor Horace Bushnell had a deaf man who attended his church. After some years, the man died. At the funeral service, the pastor let the folks know how much he appreciated the man who had never heard a word that he spoke. But Horace Bushnell said that the man sat in the congregation every Sunday with a "listening ear." He encouraged the preacher. Our members encourage us when they come. We say a big "thank you" for your great worth in the life of the church.

IV. We Equip People to Serve

We equip people to serve. The challenge is always before us to help everyone be prepared to serve.

We equip others by following the perfect role model. Who could that be except Jesus? Act 10:38 states that "Jesus went about doing good." Jesus reached out to the crippled, the blind, the suffering, and the outcasts.

On the night of the "Memorial Meal," Jesus sat at the feet of His disciples and began to wash their feet." He took a "servant’s place." We learn that in God’s kingdom no place is to small or too big for us. We can serve wherever a need exists.

We become equipped with "on the job training." We learn to do by doing. We learn to dance by dancing - - oh, pardon me, Baptist friend. But you get the idea, don’t you?

V. We Extend God’s Kingdom

We extend God’s kingdom. That’s the fifth step in your church’s "motto." The final word in this motto is to extend God’s work. We want to be fruitful. We want to see growth in God’s cause. How do we do it?

We start at home. Acts 1:8 states, "Ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in Judea." That speaks of the county seat and the county seat town. That reminds us of home. That’s the best starting place.

Jesus taught this great lesson. When Jesus changed a Gadarene demoniac, that man wanted to go with Jesus and the disciples. Jesus said to him, "No, go back home and tell your friends what great things the Lord has done for you" (Mark 5:19). Home missions is a big field. We need to reach the sons and daughters, the grandchildren, the cousins, and the in-laws and out-laws, too! …. We go beyond where we live. We go "to the ends of the earth." Why? We endeavor to extend God’s kingdom.

We have come to a new day in missions. Church groups now do visitation evangelism, medical and dental service and revival up and down the Rio Grande from El Paso to Brownsville and from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from Canada to Mexico. We have groups going to Africa, to China, to Europe and Australia, to the jungles of Peru, and the places beyond all dreams that we might go…….

If we can’t go, we can give and we can pray. We can reach out…Let the notes of exalting the Lord, evangelism, edifying, equipping God’s people, and extending God’s kingdom be a part of your daily life. Do we have time for one challenge? Let’s do what God wants us to do starting with our neighbors. Are you ready to make this commitment? Now?


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