False Gods Give No Answers

Title: False Gods Give No Answers

Bible Book: 1 Kings 18 : 20-29

Author: Dwight Reighard

Subject: Idols; Gods, False; Peace; Hope



On April 14, 1912, the Titanic was crossing the Atlantic Ocean on her maiden voyage, on a journey to America. At approximately 11:40 p.m., the Titanic struck an iceberg that created a 300-foot gash. A ship that took years to build took only two hours and 40 minutes to sink. History tells us that the "unsinkable" did sink. History tells us that out of 2, 227 passengers, only 705 were rescued. History tells us the laughter and jokes of passengers became the screams of the dying and the prayers of survivors. History even tells us the Titanic's band changed music, and began playing a hymn. History tells us that by 2:20 a.m., April 15, the Titanic was gone. The unsinkable had done the unthinkable-it disappeared 13,120 feet beneath the black waters.

What caused this incredible disaster? History tells us the truth-the "safest" ship was not safe after all. The "unsinkable" did the unbelievable. The bottom line was negligence, expressed in at least three forms:

1. Pride

It ignored all the warnings about ice and increased its speed in hopes of an early arrival in New York Harbor.

2. Irresponsibility

The Californian, the only vessel in the area (10 miles away) made no attempt to rescue the Titanic's passengers because the radio operator had gone off duty. No one on the Californian ever heard the call for help.

3. Inattention

The message to be aware was ignored, and the desperate SOS was sent too late.

What truths can America learn from this tragedy? In many ways our nation, our ship of state, is like the Titanic. And we Christians are like Elijah when he represented God in confronting King Ahab and the nation of Israel on Mount Carmel.

We are on a collision course as a nation, and icebergs of destruction are all around. We Christians had better get our message across before America sinks beneath the dark waters of her sin, before America succumbs to being politically correct rather than scripturally sound. Icebergs of iniquity are all about us, and America is about to sink!

I. Our Worsening Circumstances Require That We Must Determine Our Choice: Are We With God Or Against

A. The Problem Was Obvious

For 585 years, the nation of Israel had vacillated in its desire for God. Divided minds. Divided emotions. Divided loyalties.

B. The Prescription Was Optional

In I Kings 18:21, Elijah challenged: If you are going to follow God, then follow Him: if you are going to follow Baal, then follow him; but quit mixing the two! God wanted to stop the syncretizing of His beliefs with the pagan beliefs of other gods.

Joshua stood before the nation of Israel and challenged them: "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord" (Joshua 24:15, KJV)

So, now on Mount Carmel, Elijah stands and commands: Wholly follow God or totally follow Baal. Just make a choice; quit being lukewarm! Our choices today will equal our lifestyles tomorrow.

II. Our Choices Will Reveal The Difficulty Of Life's Challenge

A. Doing The Right Thing Is Often The Hardest Thing To Do

We have a natural tendency to go with the world.

B. Doing The Right Thing Is Often The Most Unpopular Thing To Do - A Minority Position

If we don't stand for something, we will fall for everything! What may be politically correct can often be totally ungodly. We can spend our lives being politically correct or being prophets of Christ. We can be chameleons of the times or committed to the unchanging truth of God's Word. We can be tied to the heights by Scripture or towed under by society. Society will waltz us straight to hell, and many Christians are dancing right along. There should be a difference in us! Remember: You will never go wrong by doing the right thing!

C. America's False Gods:

1. God Of Sex

2. God Of Materialism

3. God Of Recreation

4. God Of Music

D. False Gods Will Give You No Answers

#1. In The 1920s, It Was Education

#2. In The 1930s, It Was Economics

#3. In The 1940s, It Was World Politics

#4. In The 1950s, It Was Science

#5. In The 1960s, It Was Sociology

#6. In The 1970s, It Was Unrestraint, Doing Your Own Thing

#7. In The 1980s, It Was Greed-Money And Career

#8. It The 1990s, It Is False Gods

A theological Disneyland-from New Age to Branch Davidians. The stranger your extremes, the more likely you will attract society. If our land is going to be healed, we must learn that false gods give no answers.

III. Our Greatest Challenge Will Result In Dealing With The Consequences
A. We Must Repent
B. We Must Restore
C. We Must Recommit Today
D. We Must Share The True Gospel

Only Jesus Christ is truly recommendable. False gods never give an answer, bu the true and living God will never lie.


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