Exhorting A Friend

Title: Exhorting A Friend

Bible Book: Philemon 1 : 5

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Friendship; Christian Living; Exhorting Biblically



Someone once said it's easier to win a friend than an enemy! We have words for it like "buttering up" "kissing up" and "yes man". But that isn't what God means when He uses the word exhortation. The word exhortation means to recognize someone's God-given abilities. Regardless if those abilities are good or poor we're to make that person feel good about knowing the Lord! Paul isn't buttering up Philemon; he's magnifying the truth he's heard about him.

I. Some things that Paul Heard, vs. 5.

A. He had heard of his Fondness, vs. 5.

Hearing of thy love... vs. 5. I praise God when I hear good things about God's people! It's such a joy to arrive in a hospital room and they say "My class has already been to see me!" What a joy! I don't believe there's a stronger tool for evangelism than love. People want to be included. People want to feel useful, helpful and loved. Not only do we see that Paul had heard of Philemon's fondness but also he had heard of his faithfulness.

B. He had heard of his Faithfulness, vs. 5.

Hearing of thy...faith... vs. 5.

Philemon was a man whose faith was demonstrated by the way he lives. He believed certain things about God and lived according to those convictions. The important thing about Philemon's faith was it was noticed by people in and out of the church. Paul hadn't been there but he'd heard about Philemon's faith! What then is faith? It's believing and acting upon God's word! Notice Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Not only do we see some things Paul had heard but also some things Philemon had.

II. Some things Philemon Had, vs. 5.

A. Things toward the Savior, vs. 5.

...toward the Lord Jesus... vs. 5. The word toward actually means for. Paul had heard of Philemon's love and faith for Christ but there was something deeper there. That love was demonstrated by his work for the Lord. This is what leads us to believe he still had a strong church in his home. This is why Paul was sure he could talk reason with Philemon. When you love Jesus and people know you love Jesus they're not afraid to approach you with difficult decisions. If they think you'll blow your top, insult their effort or become ungodly in your attitude or response there's no hope for a serious conversation about the deeper ministries of God! This was a serious matter where all involved would have to have the mind of Christ in order to do the right thing. Philemon was reminded of how he'd demonstrated the mind of Christ in the past. Not only do we see he had some things towards the Savior but also he had things towards the saints.

B. Things towards the Saints, vs. 5.

...and toward all saints; vs. 5. Notice the word all. Paul is now reminding Philemon of his past impartiality. You've always done the right thing for all the saints in the past; slave and free! Now that it's personal lets not change. So many people are good at giving advice but when it comes to taking it that's another story! We're to take the same advice we give! That's how Jesus will do it. Jesus isn't going to condemn someone else for a particular sin while He forgives you. We're reminded that we all stand on equal ground before God. Listen! But if ye forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:15. The point is clear! We must forgive and restore all the saints! Brethren, if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted. Galatians 6:1.

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