Enoch – A Man Who Walked With God

Title: Enoch - A Man Who Walked With God

Bible Book: Genesis 5

Author: Roger D. Willmore

Subject: Faithfulness; Enoch; Walking with God


[Editor's Note: This is sermon 6 of 8 by Dr. Willmore on Genesis.]

The biblical account of Enoch's life is very brief. We see the Genesis account of his life in our text, Genesis 5:19-24. Here we are told that Enoch was born, that he was the father of Methuselah and other sons and daughters; that he walked with God, and at the age of 365, he was taken by God directly to heaven, bypassing physical death.

The writer of Hebrews placed Enoch in the Biblical Hall of Fame of the Faithful. Here we are told that "By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death; and was not found, because God had taken him; for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased God." (Hebrews 11:5) Although we do not have a lot of detailed information about Enoch's life, this does not mean that we do not know much about him. The light of his life may have shone briefly, but it shone brightly. His testimony contains eternal qualities.

Enoch walked with God. Before we can fully understand the significance of this statement, we must first see the backdrop of Enoch's life. We must see the context in which he lived a life that was pleasing to God. It is here that we will make discoveries, which will increase our appreciation for Enoch's life. Enoch was a pure man in an impure world. He was a godly man in an ungodly world. Enoch walked with God when other men had their heart set against God.

Enoch was only three generations removed from the days of Noah, the judgment of God and the great flood. His life was a bright light in a dark and sinful day. In the context of Genesis, chapters four and five, Enoch is the seventh from Adam in the line of Seth. His contemporary, Lamech, was seventh from Adam in the line of Cain. Lamech walked in the way of Cain. Enoch walked in the way of God. Enoch lived in a world characterized by the traits of Lamech. A world that was totally indifferent to God and independent from God.

It is one thing to walk with God when you are surrounded by fellow Christians and have the joy and privilege of fellowship with like-minded people who love God. It is quite another thing to walk with God amongst people who hate God and resist Him and reject Him. It is important that we observe the times and circumstances in which Enoch lived. The dark backdrop of the world in Enoch's day makes his testimony shine all the more brightly.

Let us see a threefold aspect of Enoch's walk with God.

I. The Commencement of Enoch's Walk with God (v. 22)

"After he begot Methuselah Enoch walked with God..." We are not told what events transpired at the birth of Methuselah, but something happened to turn Enoch's heart toward God. This became a time of conversion and transformation in Enoch's life. It is at this stage of his life's journey that he began to walk with God.

Have you noticed that God often uses a crisis in a person's life to bring him or her to Himself? Something happens to capture the attention of the soul. In these times, God, by His Holy Spirit, brings about a time of decision regarding His place and purpose in that individual's life. Everyone's testimony is different in terms of time and circumstances. But, everyone's testimony must bear similar characteristics such as: conviction of sin, confession of sin, repentance of sin, faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ, and personal acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior.

II. The Course of Enoch's Walk with God

The path that Enoch traveled was a path through a very real world. His walk with God eventually did remove him from this world to the heavenly realm, but from the commencement of his walk with God until it's conclusion, Enoch lived in a very real world.

Enoch's walk with God took him to ordinary, everyday places, to ordinary, everyday people; and to ordinary, everyday responsibilities. His relationship to God was lived out in the context of his home, his job and his community. The pathway Enoch traveled also took him through a very resistant world. The world in which Enoch lived was not Christian friendly or God friendly. The world was characterized by the spirit of Cain, not the Spirit of God. Cain and his descendants followed a path that brought pleasure and prosperity in the here and now. Enoch, on the other hand, saw the passing futility of the present world. He set his heart on God and things above.

III. The Characteristics of Enoch's Walk with God

There are always noticeable and notable character traits in the lives of men and women who walk with God. Enoch was no exception. We can be certain that he possessed character traits, which set him apart from his contemporaries.

First of all, we can be assured that Enoch had a personal knowledge of God.

For one to walk with God, he must first know God. Such knowledge will lead to friendship, intimacy and love.

Secondly, Enoch had sweet communion with God.

The knowledge of God led to communion with God, and the communion with God led to knowledge of God. The fact that Enoch walked with God implies communion with God. There was a communion in the word of God, in prayer, and in service. The prophet Amos raised a good question, "Can two walk together unless they are agreed?" We can be sure that Enoch walked in agreement with God.

Thirdly, I believe such a relationship produces an unreserved obedience to God.

Enoch made a conscious decision to obey God, rather than man.

I am sure Enoch possessed other character traits about which I will not comment. Let it suffice to list a few of them: faithfulness, sacrifice, obedience, humility, sincerity, and purity.

IV. The Conclusion to Enoch's Walk with God

"And he was not for God took him." (v. 24) A walk not only implies a process, it also implies progress. Enoch was moving forward in his pilgrimage with God. Such a journey has a commencement and it also has a conclusion. When Enoch's God pleasing life was finished, he stepped into eternity with God. He entered the world he had faithfully represented on earth.

If we want to end well, we must live well. Enoch did not experience death as most people will. He was translated into heaven; by-passing death, but nonetheless his life on earth ended in the same manner in which it had been lived - with God.


When I think of Enoch's life, I am reminded of a statement I have often heard from Dr. Stephen Olford. "Only one life; 'twill soon be past, only what is done for Christ will last."

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