Dethroning and Enthroning

Title: Dethroning and Enthroning

Bible Book: Galatians 2 : 20

Author: William F. Harrell

Subject: Conviction; Repentance; Salvation; Self Versus the Savior



Galatians 2:20: "20 I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

Over the past thirty years or so, we have observed our society and others as well as they have gone through revolution after revolution. The whole map of Europe has been redrawn by dictators and strong men who have desired to extend the reach of their power. A map of even ten years ago where Europe is concerned is now obsolete. Who would have ever thought that we would live to see such a drastic change in the lands and people around us.

The sixties and seventies were the years of revolution in our own country. If someone didn't agree  with something they simply revolted against it in order to set up something better or at least different. In the same way, we have witnessed the vast revolution in ideas which now threatens the very fiber of our society. The question is: What is the purpose of Revolution? The purpose of revolution is to dethrone something that someone doesn't like and enthrone something they like better. This is precisely what I want to examine today:

Dethroning and Enthroning.

Dethroning something despicable and Enthroning Someone wonderful. Who is a Christian? He is someone who has revolted against himself; dethroned himself, and enthroned Christ, allowing Him to set up the Kingdom of God in his life.

I. He Has Revolted Against Himself (Conviction)

"I am crucified with Christ"One will never know Christ as Savior until he revolts against his sinful self. Revolution comes when people will no longer accept the status quo. What is the status quo in your life? You OR Christ? Have you ever become sick of what you are? Maybe the Holy Spirit began  leading you in a revolt against your old nature but you decided you liked things pretty much as they were. Instead of joining God's Forces, you simply walked away from the issue. In Romans 7, Paul is revolted by himself. He doesn't like what he sees. But, he joined the revolution against Satan. "Revolution" implies that one was once part of the status quo. Scripture says that we were part of the devil's domain until we revolted against his leadership. I'm thankful that God led me in a revolution against my old nature for without it I could never have been saved.

II. He Has Dethroned Himself (Repentance)

"Nevertheless I live; yet not I but Christ liveth in me."As long as "self" remains upon the throne, Christ can never guide your life. In order that Christ might be Enthroned, we must, of necessity, Dethrone ourselves.

Christian revolution starts in the center, the heart, and works outward to the circumference of our lives (inward change - repentance, outward change - reform.) The circumference will never be touched until the center has a new ruling master. Christ must be the decision maker in the things we consider "small things." The old king has got to go: The New King must come into power.7. Paul is saying, "Even though I'm still alive its really not me anymore. All that has changed; there is a new "boss"; Christ lives in me. I have been dethroned. Because we revolt against what we are, we must then abdicate the throne to a new ruler.

III. He Has Enthroned Christ (Salvation)

"And the life which I now live in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me."This is for one purpose, to set up the Kingdom of God in your life. This Kingdom is manifested in a life which is controlled by the Holy Spirit, leading us to produce the fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:25. The Kingdom of God is also manifested in a life which walks in the same Spirit that it claims resides within Galatians 5:25.

You've got to sweep your throne room clean - take out the old sordid throne and throw it away. The thrones of pride, deceit, wickedness, idols, fear, hate, wrath, lust and evil desires must be removed. The Carnal Christian rules upon these thrones and as long as he does, he will not let Christ in the throne room. But, when Christ is enthroned, He comes bringing a New Throne, the Throne of the Kingdom of God. Christ, ruling from this throne will produce a new, radical change in you. The revolt has been successful, a new government is now ruling. And, against this Governor and His Government no one can stand Isaiah 9:6-7.


Jesus Came so that you could have spiritual life. He came to give you a new way of life.Have you Revolted against what you are? Have you Dethroned your sinful self?

Have you Enthroned our Lord Jesus Christ? Open the door of your heart today and allow Him to come in.

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