Dangers of Political Correctness

Title: Dangers of Political Correctness

Bible Book: Exodus 23 : 2

Author: Alan Stewart

Subject: Evil, Promoting; Political Correctness; Civil Duty; America, Christians in



There is an old fable that has been passed down for generations that tells of an elderly man who was traveling with a boy and a donkey.  As they walked through a village, the man was leading the donkey and the boy was walking behind.  The townspeople said the old man was a fool for not riding, so to please them, he climbed up on the animal’s back.  When they came to the next village, the people said the old man was cruel to let the child walk while he enjoyed the ride.  So, to please them, he got off and set the boy on the animals back and continued on his way.  In the third village, the people accused the child of being lazy for making the old man walk, and the suggestion was made that they both ride.  So, the man climbed on and they set off again.  In the fourth village, the townspeople were indignant at the cruelty to the donkey because he was made to carry two people.  The frustrated man was last seen carrying the donkey down the road.  While we may smile at this story, it teaches a very valuable lesson.  The more you try to please everyone, the heavier the burden you are left to carry.  

Living in a world that has become so culturally sensitive and socially diversified, it is the expectation that we all just go with the flow of things. What began as tolerance for every thing and every one has now turned to a demand of full-blown acceptance.  With political correctness ruling the day, we are losing every likeness of the standards and practices that our forefathers worked so hard to establish.  Self-centered gratification, a sense of entitlement, and a lack of guilt or shame have become badges of honor proudly worn in our American culture. However, to voice any disagreement is considered offensive.  In fact, the only acceptable bigotry left in our culture is against Bible-believing Christians.

Billy Graham said, “Our society strives to avoid any possibility of offending anyone – except God.”

In Exodus 23:2, God spoke this law to Moses, “Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil; neither shalt thou speak in a cause to decline after many to wrest judgment.”

It was a warning to not go along with the crowd to endorse or promote evil, falsehood, or injustice. Our nation is in desperate need for a Micaiah who will refuse to agree with the false prophets of the day. Our nation hungers for- Daniel who will not bow to a king’s edict just because the masses have done so. Being politically correct may be the socially acceptable thing to do, but it will always come with a spiritual price.

Consider the dangers of political correctness.

I. We forfeit our distinct identity.

In 1 Peter 2:9, Peter wrote, “But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people...”  The word “peculiar” carries the idea of being a people for God’s own possession.

What sets Christians apart from all other people of the world is the distinguishing presence of God with them.  However, the influence of His presence causes us to think with different views, to respond under different persuasions, and to live with different agendas.  We are unlike any other people on the face of the earth, and we march to the beat of a different drum.

Charles Finney once said, “I have never met a person filled with the Holy Spirit that the world did not consider eccentric.”  But, in an attempt to blend in with the world, we are faced with a serious identity crisis within Christianity today.  Having been transformed from a grub to a butterfly, there is no way for us to ever blend in again without having our wings clipped.  Abraham tried to blend in with the Philistines, but a dream uncovered his faith.

Jonah tried to blend in aboard the ship, but the storm exposed him.  Peter tried to blend in around the fire, but his speech betrayed him.  A politically correct Christian finds no reception nor respect from the world.  It should never be forgotten that often the price for gaining the whole world is to lose ones own soul.

II. We foresee our declining influence.

Jesus said, “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour...it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.”  Perhaps this verse explains better than any as to why our rights and freedoms are being “walked on” today.  Our saltiness has lost its bite and is both impotent and irrelevant.  Image is now more important than influence, and in order to protect our image, timeless truths are being sacrificed on the altar of tolerance and conformity.

Jesus never used sugar-coated words, and His audience was often left offended.  But, it was the salt of truth and honesty in His words that enabled Him to reach the prostitutes, lepers, and thieves.

English playwright, Dorothy Sayers wrote, “It is not the business of the church to adapt Christ to men, but men to Christ.”  It is a flawed philosophy that says we must wallow in the mire or provide prettier mud in order to win the pig.  Give the pig something better than mud and he is happy to leave the mire.

In spite of all the clever terms and carefully crafted orations, we are losing the soul of a generation.  May God raise up more leaders with the courage to tell us what we need to hear rather than what we want to hear.

III. We fail to draw inspiration.

In Proverbs 29:18, Solomon writes, “Where there is no vision, the people perish...”  This verse is more literally translated, “Where there is no revelation (of God’s Word and will), the people throw off all restraint.”  In the book of Judges, we see this truth lived out.  There was no publicly accredited prophet, and we are often told, “and every man did that which was right in his own eyes.”  As perverseness fills our streets like an open sewer, the silver-tongued prophets of the day are filling the air with politically correct rhetoric.  The political correctness points to our cowardice, but perhaps it is also an indictment that we have gone a long season without a courageous word delivered with Divine authority.

Author T.B. Maston once said, “The Christians who have turned the world upside down have been men and women with a vision in their hearts and a Bible in their hands."

As the eldest of four boys, I was often asked to help my father on projects.  My task was nearly always the same: to hold the light while my father worked.  Our Father still does His greatest works among men when we are faithful to attend our post of duty to hold the light.  However, our greatest dilemma is not finding those who are willing and able to hold the light.  The great dilemma of this hour is finding those with whom the light has not lost its hold on them.


While this world is headed for an incredible train wreck, our focus and resolve must be to save as many as we can from the wreckage.  Adrian Rogers once said, “It is better to be divided by truth than to be united in error.  It is better to speak the truth that hurts and then heals, than falsehood that comforts and then kills.”  To remain politically correct in these closing hours of time can only leave us carrying the burden that ought to be carrying us.

© 2015 Alan Stewart

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