Building A Memory

Title: Building A Memory

Bible Book: 3 John 3 : 1-10

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christian Living; Christian Legacy



Anyone who has attended a funeral service has probably heard it said, "Everyone leaves something at their death. At the very least it is a memory." Diotrephes was no different, as a matter of fact as we open vs. 10 we see John saying exactly that ...I will remember his deeds... People are going to remember your deeds! Long after the pastor's good words over you are said they'll remember your deeds. Some will be remembered for their temper, some for their pride, some for their lifestyle,  some for their selfishness, some for their kindness, some for their hard work, some for their humble spirit, some for their steadfastness - but all for something. Notice how Diotrephes had built his memory.

I. John Remembered His Talk, Vs. 10

A. John Recalled His False Words, Vs. 10

...prating against us... vs. 10. There's an interesting translation from the Greek. The actual Greek word is flu a ron and means to lie. You know what, everyone knows a liar. You know what else, everyone remembers a liar. Lying is an unholy practice and should be shunned by Christians yet many who call themselves Christians have no reservations about lying if it accomplishes their goals. In essence John tells Gaius, We don't forget things like that too easily. You can always predict the path of an unhappy church member, if the truth doesn't work a lie will be just fine. Diotrephes didn't like the truth of God's word being taught in his church so he did whatever was necessary to stop it.

Not only do we see that John recalled his false words, also John recalled his foolish words.

B. John Recalled His Foolish Words, Vs. 10

...with malicious words... vs. 10. These were words from a fool's heart. Notice a couple verses with me. I Timothy 5:13 And withal they learn to be idle, wandering about from house to house; and not only idle, but tattlers also and busybodies, speaking things which they ought not. Titus 1:11 Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake. And the Godly man's prayer in Psalm 141:3 Set a watch, O LORD, before my mouth; keep the door of my lips.

There's a serious problem in a person's life who says they're a Christian yet lie and speak malicious words about those who are trying to serve God. Not only do we see that John remembered his talk we also see that John remembered his walk.

II. John Remembered His Walk, Vs. 10

A. His Personal Walk, Vs. 10

...neither doth he himself... vs. 10. I believe the heart is the darkest place of the soul. This tells me that whatever public display Diotrephes made his heart made a deeper, darker display. I'm going to trim the fat off this for you. Diotrephes hated godly people. He didn't want to hear the truth about his attitude, his anger, his control problems or his repentance. The phrase he himself gets inside of Diotrephes' heart. It tells all we need to know about his motives, his ministry and his mission. Not only do we see his personal walk we also see His public walk.

B. His Public Walk, Vs. 10

...forbiddeth them that would... vs. 10. This is a reflective phrase and refers to the words prating and malicious. Diotrephes would use whatever tools available to discourage others from wanting to hear God's preacher boys. Do you think he'd ever take a group on a mission trip, to a men's conference or teach a class? No. And if you wanted to do any of those things he proceeded to have you thrown out of his church. Diotrephes had literally put it in the church constitution that anyone who accepted someone he rejected would be cast out of the church. What a memory! The sad part is that 2000 years later we're still remembering him for the same things!

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