Bringing People To Jesus

Title: Bringing People To Jesus

Bible Book: John 1 : 41

Author: Jesse M. Hendley

Subject: Evangelism; Operation Andrew; Soul Winning; Witnessing



And he brought him to Jesus." John 1:42. Andrew had spent a half-day with Jesus, and immediately he went to his brother, Simon Peter, and told him, "We have found the Messiah!" And he brought him to Jesus."

The greatest thing a person can do is to bring another person to Jesus. It springs from the joy of personally knowing Christ and the heart's desire for others to know Him! Love for Christ and others leads to personal work for Him.

I. Examples of Evangelism

By personal work we mean person-to-person work, the individual needing spiritual help. Personal work may be a great aid in a mass meeting where the preacher preaches to the people as a whole. In mass meetings, individuals are invited to come forward to receive Christ. In personal work, the individual Christian goes to another person and speaks to him personally. We are commanded, "Go ... and make disciples." Matthew 28:19.

A. Jesus Did It

Jesus preached to masses of people, but it was not beneath His dignity to deal directly with a single soul.

In John 1:43 we read, "He findeth Philip." Jesus personally sought and found him!

In John 4 His spiritual hunger and thirst were satisfied as He talked with the sinful woman of Sychar and brought her to salvation.

In John 5 He wonderfully healed the impotent man at the pool of Bethesda. In John 8 Jesus was left alone with a sinful woman after all her accusers had fled, and He spoke words that brought salvation to her heart.

In John 9 He went out of His way to find the blind man whom He had previously healed, and when He found him, He led him to faith in Himself as the Son of God.

In His three great parables in Luke 15 about Lost Things, Jesus reveals His insatiable thirst for the individual soul! He emphasized the one lost sheep, the one lost coin, the one lost son. He left the many to go after the one. There was rejoicing when the lost one was found! Jesus was happy when He won a single soul. He came to seek and to save the lost. He died for the individual sinner. "He loved me and gave Himself for me. " Galatians 2:20. People believe and are saved individually, not in groups. John 3:16 translated literally is, "Every one believing in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life." Jesus by His example honored personal work.

B. The Apostles Did It

"Andrew first findeth his own brother Simon, and he brought him to Jesus." John 1:41.


"Philip findeth Nathanael." Philip imitates his great Master: he seeks out Nathanael and brings him to Jesus.

In Acts 8 we have the Spirit-inspired account of Philip the Evangelist doing personal work in leading the Ethiopian eunuch to Christ and salvation. What a wonderful example of a Christian, led of the Spirit of God, dealing with a lost soul over the Sacred Scriptures until that soul is gloriously saved for eternity! As they part, the new convert goes his way rejoicing.

C. We Are To Do It

All born-again believers are to do personal work! We read of the great persecution against the Jerusalem Church in Acts 8. It resulted in great blessing because "they that were scattered abroad went everywhere preaching the Word." They went everywhere with the Word. This means individual Christians, with burning hearts and flaming tongues shared the Word personally with others, everywhere. Jesus had said, "Ye shall be witnesses unto Me." Acts 1:8. Christ's witnesses tell lost souls what they know about Christ and His salvation that they might be saved. Surely this is the Christian's main business in life. What could be more important?

II. Exhortation to Evangelism

A. The Believer's Solemn Responsibility in Evangelism

An old man who was dying called me to his home. He had listened to me as I preached over the radio on the believer's responsibility to reach lost souls dying in sin. Pulling up a chair by his bed, I said, "Brother, what can I do for you?" Tears began to roll down his cheeks. He reached under his pillow, pulled out a dollar bill and handed it to me for the broadcast. He said, "Preacher, I was raised in the country and spent most of my life there. Only recently when I became ill my son brought me here to his home to take care of me. He bought me a radio. I had never listened to a radio much, didn't care for it, but he urged me to tune in your broadcast. I began to listen.

"The other day you were preaching on the responsibility of Christians to reach others for Jesus. I had never heard this before. I was saved when I was a boy in the little old country church. I thought all I needed to do was enjoy my salvation. Nobody ever told me I should personally try to lead other people to Jesus, until these last few days. Now it is too late. Preacher, I've wasted my life. My soul is saved, but I've lost my life."

It was pitiful to hear the regret of this old man on the brink of eternity. I tell you, next to losing one's soul; the most tragic thing is to lose one's life.

B. Stirring Christians to Evangelism

A faithful preacher will constantly remind Christians of their DUTY and PRIVILEGE to win souls by personal contact. Certain truths from God's Word will shock and awaken Christians to this great work that God requires of us and to the solemn fact that we must one day GIVE AN ACCOUNT of our Christian lives to HIM. These truths show us the great shame, the reproof, the sorrow in store, for those who disobey the Master's orders and refuse to do the work He outlined for us to do.

C. The Reasons for Evangelism

Such themes and texts as the following should awaken the most careless Christian:

1. The Judgment Seat of Christ

We shall give account of our lives to Him, not for sin---that's settled---but for our works. 1 Corinthians 3.

2. The Sin of Not Doing Evangelism

It is an awful sin not to do personal work in evangelism. God has ordained this means to reach lost souls for Him. Personal witnessing is His Divine Plan. "I have chosen you to go and bring forth fruit."

God will require the sinner's blood at the hands of a Christian. Paul said, "I am clean from the blood of all men."

It is disobedience to God, His plan and His Word not to do evangelism. The Christian sins in ignoring and refusing his Master's plain command. Jesus said, "Why call ye me `Lord, Lord', and do not the things I say?"

3. Losing the Soul Winner’s Crown

Multitudes of Christians will lose the soul-winner's crown. Rewards from His Hand are to be earnestly sought and highly prized. I Thessalonians 2:19.

It is an awful thing to be unfaithful to the sacred, God-given trust placed upon us as God’s redeemed people. "That servant who knew his Lord's will and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes."

4. Shining Like Stars Forever

The soul winning Christians will shine as the stars forever. Daniel 12:3.

A glorious future and rewards await those who do win many to Christ. "Have thou authority over ten cities ... thou, over five cities . . ."

III. Involvement In Evangelism

May I give a testimony to the glory of God? When I began my ministry there was only one person in my congregation, a lady, who could take her Bible and intelligently lead a soul to Christ. A few years later, there were at least 75 who could lead souls to Christ. Some of these were constantly bringing a stream of souls to Christ, following up souls through the broadcast and doing personal work in evangelistic meetings and in the church. It was a continual working of the Spirit of God!


Three things developed these soul-winners; (1) Constant messages on the above themes, from the pulpit! (2) Actual personal contact, dealing with the lost in evangelistic meetings and in homes. (3) Much prayer for souls for Christ.

We Christians must be constantly reminded from the Word of our solemn responsibility. The preacher in the pulpit will do well to stir Christians constantly to do this work.

A. Highways and Hedges

Jesus commands us, "Go out into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in." Luke 14:23. The word highways means "ways, paths, roads where people are journeying." We are to go out on the roads to seek travelers and compel them to receive Christ, Who is the Road, the Way, to heaven! The word hedges means a "fencing in," suggesting farms or fenced-in places in outlying districts. How neglected are the rural districts while the more earnest efforts are given to the cities!

We are not simply to drop a passing word of brief testimony. That is not compelling them. We are to press for a decision! We must get them safely IN out of the approaching storm! At all costs, we must win souls NOW. TODAY is the day of salvation. Tomorrow is the Day of Judgment.

We have not won a soul until he has signed on the dotted line, until he has definitely put his faith in Christ. God's invitation is not to be simply handed to sinners. They must know, understand, accept, and signify that acceptance of Christ. We must pray and work in loving compulsion toward that moment when they give their word that they have accepted the Master's Great Invitation.

B. In The Market Place

We read of the Apostle Paul in Athens, "He reasoned ... in the marketplace everyday with them that met him." Acts 17:17. A better translation would be, "With them that happened to be near or present." The marketplace was the place in the city where people gathered in large numbers. Here they traded, stood idle, greeted one another, carried on conversation. Paul sought out such places to do personal work and win souls to his Master!

We must not think of the church building alone as the place to give the Gospel and win souls. We must reach out to those who do not attend church services---people on the road, on the farms, in their homes, in places of business and wherever people gather.

C. In the Home

In Mobile, Alabama, a lady came up to one of our personal workers and with shining face said, "Do you remember me? You led me to Christ in Columbus, Georgia, in my home." There was no doubt that she was "abiding fruit." The joy of salvation was in her face.

I was preaching in a South Georgia town where we had held a revival several years before. An old man came up to me and said, "Where is my friend Ernest?" I told him he could not come that night. He said, "I certainly would like to see him again. You know, he led me to Christ. He came to my home and asked my wife where I was. She told him I was working in the garden. He came back there and led me to Christ."

Paul tells us to preach "from house to house" as well as in public meetings. We are to go into homes. It is fine for Christians to turn in the names of loved ones and friends who are lost and for whom they are praying, for workers to visit.

D. In Church

Sometimes personal work is done in the church, under the direction of the pastor. Personal workers can be helpful when heads are bowed and eyes are closed at the close of the service when the preacher gives the Invitation to come to Christ. As they go to someone in need, they should do it as quietly and inconspicuously as possible. They will speak quietly so as not to hinder the preacher's words as he speaks to the audience. They should avoid embarrassing the person whom they have approached. They should avoid familiarity of speech or touch. They should never speak roughly but always with love. If the person does not respond, they should leave him willing to come again to the meeting.

Only one worker at a time should deal with a person, preferably a woman with a woman, a man with a man. They should not preach a sermon. They should go simply with the love of Christ in their heart, depending upon the Spirit of God to guide in leading this person to Christ.

E. At the Church Altar

There are various methods of dealing with souls who come forward during the evangelist's invitation. Some evangelists, greatly used of God, have them simply take the preacher's hand, signifying their faith in Jesus and their personal acceptance of Him as Savior and Lord. Others add to this the open confession of their faith, having all to stand and face the audience and each in turn to give his or her statement of having trusted Christ for salvation.

Some evangelists have the people come forward and go immediately to a separate room where personal workers show them the Scriptures on salvation. There are two advantages in this method. The audience may be dismissed and go home while the people are being dealt with. It gives unlimited time to help people to satisfaction and assurance of salvation. Some people are assured immediately; others may take a little longer to see God's plan of salvation and enter into peace. Then, too, some have problems distressing them and it may take time to show them the answer from the Word. In such cases, when they are being dealt with at the front during the invitation, these may be asked to tarry and be dealt with after the service.

Still other evangelists like to have trained personal workers deal with them over an open Bible while they kneel together, at which time the unsaved person may pray, confessing he has sinned and definitely calling upon the Lord as his Savior as God says in Romans 10:13: "Whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved." Many souls enter into peace the minute they personally contact God in humble faith and prayer. Then other Scriptures on assurance may be read to them.

After this they may stand at the close of the service and confess Jesus openly and publicly according to His Word. "Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in heaven." Matthew 10:32,33. The word confess means "to acknowledge." The word deny means "to refuse to acknowledge."

Who has not felt the mighty impact of the Spirit's Presence and realized that the eternal destiny of immortal souls was being decided during the singing of "Just As I Am" or some other great invitation hymn? Heaven draws near! We feel that the veil which separates us from the world is very thin at such times.


How are we to do evangelism? Be earnest. Realize that souls are perishing. The Bible says they are on their way to hell. We must stop them; turn them back at all costs! Be serious. There is not a joke in the Bible. God is serious with souls. Jesus was serious in dealing with souls. If someone's house is on fire, we are SERIOUS about arousing the people within, lest they perish in the flames!

Speak in love. Harshness, anger, irritation, and bitterness will never win lost souls to Jesus. Sympathy, love, compassion, genuine concern will.


A businessman is not successful until he gets the signature on the dotted line. A football team may run the ball much between the goal posts, but only when they cross the goal line have they scored. How much witnessing is done without actually bringing the person to a decision! It is those who TURN many to righteous ness who shall shine as the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:3. It is he who CONVERTS a sinner from the error of his way who is doing the job God wants him to do. James 5:20. We must bring them to the point where they put their total trust IN CHRIST for salvation.

Above all, DEPEND ON GOD. All the power of the Sacred Trinity is with the clean, prayerful, godly, surrendered Christian who goes after souls for Jesus! The power is God's. He operates through willing tongues, hands and feet.

SALVATION IS GOD'S WORK – "They shall be taught of God." John 6:45.

THROUGH CHRIST - "That He (Christ) should give them eternal life." John 17:2.

BY THE SPIRIT - "He (the Spirit) will reprove the world of sin." John 16:8. "Born of the Spirit" John 3:6.

WORKING THROUGH YIELDED, WITNESSING CHRISTIANS - “.. . them . . . who shall believe on Me through THEIR word." John 17:30.

God will give you the words to say. "Which things we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth, comparing spiritual things with spiritual." 1 Corinthians 2:13.

A mother who had just previously buried her little girl came forward and was saved. Her husband did not come. After the closing prayer, a personal worker felt led to speak to the man, approached him and asked, "Brother, is there anyone in heaven you want to meet?" The man, deeply moved, hurried with the personal worker to the front where he knelt and received Jesus. Not until later did the worker learn he was the father of the dead child. The Spirit gave the worker the exact words to win this lost soul to Jesus at the time his heart was filled with sorrow. He wanted to meet his little girl again in heaven.

They Are Waiting

In Jacksonville, Florida, a lady heard a Gospel broadcast over the radio during a revival. She wrote that she was convicted and asked for prayer. The preacher and I drove to her home. She was ripe for salvation. We knelt and prayed for her. Then she prayed and received Jesus. As she closed her prayer, she burst into tears and said, "O God, save my daughter!" We turned to the daughter and she also was saved. After we had read the Scripture and started to go, the mother said, tearfully, "I have been worried about my sins for a long time and knew I was in danger, but I didn't have anybody to tell me how to be saved." Beloved, millions are like that.

Someone will say, "Brother Jess, I know Jacksonville. There are churches everywhere. She could have gone to any of them and they would gladly have led her to the Lord."

But the Bible does not command the sinner to come to church. The Bible commands the Christians to go to the lost! "Go ye into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in that My house may be filled."

Let's DO IT!

Let us go into the highways and hedges and compel them to come in! Let us REAP THE HARVEST and then GO HOME, bringing our sheaves with us! Let us bring souls to our Blessed Saviour that He may "see the travail of His Soul and be satisfied."

Will you seek to share Jesus with someone TODAY?

One reason today many churches are having few, if any, souls saved is that there is little or no concern for the lost. Most Christians today are so taken up with the Love of God and the blessing of security and perfect standing before God that the fact that most people around us are lost and that we are left in this world primarily to win them scarcely enters into their thinking. Yet there can be no soul-winning without concern. It is "when Zion travails" that she "brings forth children." No travail, no children, in both the physical and spiritual realms. So many of God's people have been so taken up with THE POSITIVE that they forget that much of the Bible is NEGATIVE. God is Love, but He is also a Consuming Fire. Jesus died for sinners and invites them to come unto Him, but He will also say, to those who refuse to come, "Depart from Me into everlasting fire."

The Bible says that souls without Christ are LOST. Then why are not Christians concerned for them, this multitude of perishing souls in and around our churches today?

Recently I was invited to one of our larger churches for a revival meeting. The pastor asked me to come and bring evangelistic messages. After I had preached a few messages, I realized that the people in that church had little concern for lost souls. There was little prayer, no bringing of lost loved ones and friends to be saved, no real effort to bring in the lost to hear the Word and accept Christ. Everyone seemed satisfied to come and sit and listen and go home.

One evening, having a burden for souls on my heart, I came into the auditorium and sat down in one of the pews while a group was on the platform singing. A lady looked at me and said, "Preacher, why are you so sad?" (I was not aware that the burden for souls was showing in my face.) What could I say? I could not graciously say, "Lady, why are you NOT sad? Why aren't YOU concerned for lost souls? Why aren't you and other members of this church burdened over souls going to hell?" I had just come from a full day of studying the Bible, preparing and crying to God for REVIVAL AND SOULS. I was sad because people were lost and nobody seemed to care.

Realizing what God says about lost souls, the question we should ask is "Why am I NOT sad over their condition? Why am I NOT serious and in earnest and concerned for their salvation? Why am I NOT weeping?"

Jesus wept. He wept over Jerusalem's lost souls. He actually shed tears because the people would not come to Him to be saved.

Jeremiah wept. He wept over backslidden, suffering Israel, away from God. He cried, "O, that mine eyes were a fountain of tears that I might weep for the slain of the daughter of my people!"

Paul wept. He said, "I taught you publicly and from house to house with tears, repentance toward God and faith toward the Lord Jesus."

Why is there so little concern today for lost souls? Most people think we should only be "joyful", that it is not Christian to be serious and burdened for souls. They forget that the Christians who live close to God carry a God-given burden for souls! Paul tells us in Romans 9 that he carried a perpetual heartache for his lost brethren.

The Psalmist (in 25:6) says, "They that sow in tears shall reap in joy."

Above all, Jesus Christ our Great Example in all things, who said, "My joy I give unto you", ALSO when He saw the multitudes "was moved with compassion." The literal meaning is that He was inwardly moved, disturbed, agitated, overwhelmed over souls who were lost. They reminded Him of sheep having no shepherd and perishing.

As an evangelist giving my life and services in our churches and soul-winning work, I am disturbed over the LACK OF CONCERN on the part of so many of our church members for the salvation of souls! Will you cry to God with me that He will burden the hearts of Christians, that He will give us back our tears? For God answers tears as well as prayers when we are sincere about wanting souls to be saved.

God help us to realize that the greatest thing in this world is to bring lost souls to Jesus!


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