Break Free From Sin’s Power

Title: Break Free From Sin's Power

Bible Book: Romans 6 : 1-14

Author: David Cook

Subject: Sin; Freedom in Christ; Victorious Living



Two elderly, excited Southern women were sitting together in the front pew of church listening to a fiery preacher. When this preacher condemned the sin of stealing, these two ladies cried out at the tops of their lungs, "Amen, Brother!" When the preacher condemned the sin of lust, they yelled again, "Preach It, Reverend!" And when the preacher condemned the sin of lying, they jumped to their feet and screamed, "Right On, Brother! Tell It Like It Is. Amen!" But when the preacher condemned the sin of gossip, the two got very quiet. One turned to the other and said, "He’s quit preaching and now he’s meddlin’."

This morning, we find some incredibly good news in Romans 6. It’s possible to break free from sin’s power in your life. Does that sound too good to be true? How is it possible to break sin’s strongholds in our lives?

I. Remember Your Position In Christ

(Romans 6.1-4)

A. Ignorance Of Grace - Continue To Sin

Legalism – base relationship with God on ability to keep the rules.

License – believe their relationship to God means they are free to do as they want

Feelings – Amy has to get up between 5-5.30 daily; We may not “feel” like it’s time to get up, but our feelings don’t change the fact that alarm clock is going off! (Feelings are not the basis of salvation, faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is!)

Trust - that’s what God wants from us. To trust Him at His Word! God is who He says He is and God will do what He says He will do.

B. Importance Of Grace - Connected To Savior

Some believers do not really understand what happened to them at the moment of salvation. At that moment, you become one (united) with Jesus. Warren Wiersbe writes: “Our union with Christ is a living union, so we may bear fruit; a loving union, so that we may enjoy Him; and a lasting union, so that we need not be afraid.”

Grace Kelly was a megastar in Hollywood in the 1950’s. Prince Raineir of Monaco took notice of her and they eventually married. Even though Grace Kelly was beautiful, rich, and famous in America, she was simply a commoner to this royal family. On their wedding day, she moved to a new position in the royal family. No longer was she simply known as “Grace Kelly,” but “Princess Grace of Monaco.” Her husband’s wealth became hers. She dropped her last name and took his. His title became hers. His life of royalty became hers. His destiny became hers as a result of her union with him.

That is what happens to a Christian at the moment of salvation. We are no longer a simple resident of planet earth. At the moment of salvation, we are united with Christ. We join the royal family of heaven. We have His name and His wealth as our own. We must never forget our royal nature as children of God through salvation.

II. Recognize Sin No Longer Has Priority

(Romans 6:5-10)

A. Our Weary Struggles - Defeated By Sin

Some may say, “I get tempted all the time. I don’t always do what is right. I’ve given my heart to Jesus, but still struggle with sin.” Have you ever felt that way? I have. (I struggle to practice what I preach!)

Perhaps you have met some people who say that once they gave their lives to Christ they never struggled with sin. They believe they are on a higher level of living and have perfected their walk with God so much that struggling with sin is no longer an issue. Avoid these folks. No one reaches perfection this side of heaven. 1 John 1.8

Here’s something to remember: The cross is the place of exchange. One man put it like this: It is where Jesus descended to the depths so that we might ascend to the heights. It is where Jesus, out of love, became everything that we human beings are – guilty, weak, separated from God and subject to death – in order that we may, if we choose, share in his innocence, his power, his fellowship with God, his life.

B. Our Wonderful Strategy - Dwell In Scripture

Dr. Gary Smalley became a follower of Christ at a young age, but struggled with a lustful heart for other women. He felt like marriage would take care of it, but it didn’t. He felt that time, maturity, and age would take it away, but it did not. AT the age of 65, God began to do an amazing work of grace in his heart. Gary began renewing his mind in the Word of God like never before. A verse that radically changed his life was Galatians 5.13-15, “For you have been called to live in freedom – not freedom to satisfy your sinful nature, but freedom to serve one another in love.”

Dr. Smalley recounts a time when a beautiful young lady came walking his way. In the past, he would have focused on her beautiful looks and appearance. However, since Gary had been renewing his mind in the Word of God, the first thought that came up was, “I wonder does this lady know how much Jesus loves her? I wonder if she knows of her significance in the Lord?”

III. Refocus Your Thoughts Promises Of God


A. The Believer's Foes - Vicious In Attack

Every child of God has 3 major enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil. Satan tempted Jesus with the lust of the flesh - “turn stone into bread.” Satan then tempted him with the pride of life – “throw yourself down off this pinnacle, do the spectacular if you are the Christ.” Satan’s last temptation was the lust of the eyes – “Jesus, I’ll give you all the kingdoms of this world if you’ll fall down and worship me.”

What weapon did Jesus use when the devil tempted Him? He used the truth of the Word of God (Deut. 6-8). Satan primarily attacks us with lies and deception – Jesus showed us how to combat and win over him – having the Word of God in our hearts and on our lips.

It’s not a sin to be tempted; sin comes when you yield to temptation. Jesus was tempted, yet He was without sin (Hebrews 4.15). Jesus was tempted in the wilderness to identify with us in our battle with sin, to show us how to overcome and also to prove His holy and sinless character.

When do you give into temptation most? Around wrong people - Alone – Tired – Overwhelmed – Neglected Time with God.

What do you do when tempted with sin? Refocus Your Thoughts On The Truth Of The Word Of God! Have you ever placed a piece of meat before a dog and told him, “No!” That dog knows he can’t touch that piece of meat for fear of punishment of his master. What does the dog normally do, he may quickly glance down at the meat – but he’ll keep his eye on his master’s face. What lesson does the dog teach us? Look at the Master’s face! The more you look at sin – the more the desire grows – the more you look at Jesus – the more your desire to know and do His will grows!

B. The Believer's Focus-Victorious In Aim

Paul encourages us to focus on what Christ has done for us – remembering we are freed from sin’s power and alive to God! This is not something we do for God…this is something God does through us by His grace. This is not something I can take credit for. “I did my best to defeat sin and finally licked it.” This is God working through you. What’s the source of our victory – it’s Christ in you!

Verse 2: We died to sin in Christ Jesus

Verse 3: We were baptized into Christ Jesus and into His life Verse 4: We are raised with Him into newness of life

Verse 5: We are united with Him in his death and will be raised just as He was - Verse 6: Sinful selves were crucified with Christ – so that sin may lose its power in our lives. We are no longer slaves of sin

Verse 7: We died with Christ and were set free from the power of sin Verse 8: We share in his new life now

Verse 9: Just as death has no hold on Christ, it holds no hold on we who are joined to Him!

Verse 10: Jesus died once to defeat sin, and now lives to the glory of God! He has died to the sin once and for all.

IV. Rely On God’s Provision

(Romans 6:11)

A. Reckon

Years ago, an unusual thing happened on the Island of Guam. An American soldier came out of the jungle where he been living for 37 years, since the end of World War II. Why? When the news came at the end of the war, he couldn't believe that Japan had surrendered and the war was over. So for 37 years he lived in the jungle. He could have come out at any time, but because he didn’t believe, because he didn't reckon the fact of his freedom to be true, he lived in self-imposed bondage in the jungle for 37 years. Was he free? Yes. Was he free? No, because he chose to stay in bondage, in hiding, in fear in the jungle.

B. Release

Many believers are just like that man today! They are living in the jungle of sin – Christ has won the war over sin, death, hell, and the grave, but they refuse to believe it! They don’t truly believe that Christ has set them free and so they are content to stay in the jungle of sin! Don’t be one of them!

V. Realign With God’s Purpose

(Romans 6:12-14)

A. Sin Is Resistible - Our Declaration

Not only do we need to say "no" to sin...What sin do you need to declare "death" upon today. A dead body will not respond to temptation! Because of our union with the Risen Savior - you can rightfully say, "(Sin), I'm dead to you! You have no dominion over me. Jesus is my Lord!"

B. Sacrifice Is Reasonable - Our Dedication

Don't just focus on the negative side, but the positive said of Romans 6 - the opportunity to say "yes" to God with our whole lives. In light of what Christ has done for us - this is our reasonable act of worship to God!

Mike Yaconelli was an nationally known outstanding youth leader who passed away a few years ago. He stated, “I had totally misunderstood the Christian faith. I came to see that it was in my brokenness and powerlessness, in my weakness that Jesus was made strong.”

How do we break free from sin? (1) Remember Your Position in Christ (2) Recognize sin no longer has the upper hand (3) Refocusing on the Word of God (4) Rely on God’s Provision (5) Realign with God’s Purpose

Gods' grace does not leave us in sin...God’s grace grants us the liberty to serve the Lord and others with a free heart!

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