Behold The Lamb Prepared

Title: Behold The Lamb Prepared

Bible Book: Luke 1 : 26-38

Author: Todd Morris

Subject: Lamb of God; Son of God; Virgin Birth; Birth of Jesus



Back at the dawn of time man violated a sacred trust with God and sinned. At that time God promised that there would come One who would set the balance sheet right, defeat evil and deliver humanity. For thousands of years man waited, and while he waited God worked.

God worked by choosing a man named Abram from Ur of the Chaldees. Through this man God raised up a nation known as Israel, He worked through that nation to establish the Law and to teach man to worship Him. Yet this people called Israel were constantly turning away from God; however, He was patient with them and he continued to work. He worked in spite of their tendency to follow false gods, to turn a deaf ear to His Word and to the preachers and prophets that He sent to them. He worked in spite of the fact that most of them didn't seem to care about Him at all.

God worked because He was completing the plan that He had begun before the world was ever made, a plan by which man, the crowning touch of His creation, would be redeemed from the sin that he had so willingly fallen into. God was motivated by a heart of love to see His people saved. So, in spite of everything they did, He worked, worked until His love overcame every obstacle that man placed in His way.

God kept on because He had promised to send a Lamb into the world to die for sin. Tonight I want to talk to you about that part of God's plan that brought His Son, Jesus Christ into the world. The highest obstacle God faced in saving lost sinners, from a human perspective, was getting the spotless

Lamb into the world. I want to take these verses that I have read in your hearing and show you how God accomplished the impossible through the birth of His darling son.

I. The Place Reserved For The Preparation (26-28)

A. It Was A Pure Place

We are told that the angel came to a virgin. This is important because God had said that the Lamb would come from the seed of woman. That means He had to come without the aid of a human male. Adam was first in creation and it through his seed, not Eve's that sin is passed from generation to generation.

B. It Was A Prophesied Place

I have already told you that god said the Lamb would come from the "seed of a woman." But through the years that prophesy was expanded. Both Isaiah 7:14 and 9:6 tell us that a "child" is coming to saved His people from their sins, and 7:14 tells us explicitly that a "virgin shall conceive." So the virgin birth should have come as a surprise to no one.

C. It Was A Prepared Place

God had kept Mary pure for this very purpose. He had instilled in her great faith, and gave her the courage to bear the shame of bearing this child of God. She was willing to do all that God required.

II. The Promise Revealed In This Preparation (29-33)

A. The Promise Of A Special Child (31)

Mary is told she will be the mother of a child whose Father is the Holy Ghost. He will be the "Son of the Highest." He will be a man, but He will be God.

B. The Promise Of A Saving Child (31)

His named will be called "Jesus" for He will saved His people from their sins." The name Jesus means - "Jehovah is Salvation.

C. The Promise Of A Sovereign Child (32-33)

He would rule on the throne of His father David, and "of His kingdom there shall be no end."

III. The Power Released In This Preparation (34-38)

A. The Power To Conquer Doubts (34-38)

Mary does not understand all that the angel has told her. She cannot see how this thing can happen, yet she believes God. The Word of God has the power to conquer doubt!

B. The Power To Carry Out His Desires (35-38)

The angel promises Mary that God is well able to do all things.


As we hear about the virgin birth and think about God sending His son into the world to save sinners, we might well wonder why. Why would God go to all of that trouble? Why would He send His Son?

Why would He allow Him to die for lost people who have no love for Him? There is only one answer, only one reason: He Loves You! The Bible declares it, and the cross demonstrates it. The blessed Lamb of God was sent into this world through the womb of the virgin Mary, so that He might be born without sin, live a sinless life, and die for sin on the cross. So the question is not really why did God do it? The question is, what have you done about it? Have you received the Lamb as your savior? If not there is not a better time than now.

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