Behold the Lamb Praised

Title: Behold the Lamb Praised

Bible Book: Luke 2 : 21-38

Author: Todd Morris

Subject: Christmas; Birth of Christ



In our text tonight the Lamb of God has been born. God has stepped out of eternity and entered human history. The Lamb was promised way back in Genesis 3. He was prepared down through the ages, and we saw this morning how He was provided. Tonight out text takes us to Jerusalem to an event that occurred 40 days after the birth.

When Jesus was 8 days old He was circumcised, as prescribed by law. After 40 days, Mary has reached the end of the purification period, as prescribed by law. In these verses, we see Jesus and His family as He is taken to the Lord's House to be presented to the Lord and be redeemed, also according to the law. What a thought, the Redeemer being brought to be redeemed.

While they were there a special event occurred. Two old saints of God, Simeon and Anna, were in the temple. They were there because the Holy Ghost had led them there. They were a part of a faithful remnant who were actively looking for the appearing of the Messiah. When they saw Jesus that day, even though He was just 40 days old, they were overjoyed, and began to lift up praises to God.

Tonight, I want to look into these verses and consider the subject, Behold, The Lamb Praised. What we see here can teach us about the matter of praise. I think these are lessons that we, in our day, definitely need to learn. Let us see:

I. The Motive For The Lamb's Praise

A. Praised Because Of Who Appeared (26-30)

The name Simeon means, "He who hears." No doubt, this old man had heard the voice of the Holy Spirit. He had received a promise that he would not die until he had seen the Messiah. When he sees Jesus he knows that the promise has been fulfilled.

B. Praised Because Of Why He Arrived (30-32)

We are told that Jesus is salvation. We are told that He will change the whole world. He will set men free from the bondage of sin.

C. Praised Because Of What He Would Accomplish (34- 35)

Simeon prophecies what Jesus would accomplish. He speaks of a stone, a sign, and a sword. The phrase "fall and rise again of many in Israel," refers to Jesus' fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecy of Psalm 118:22. Many would stumble over the stone of Jesus' life and ministry, but a few would rise again in salvation. When he talks about the sign he is referring to the miracle of Christ's birth. The word sign means miracle. The virgin birth is a sign of who Jesus is, but many would stumble across it. His resurrection is a miracle to prove who he is, but many will stumble across it. Then when he talks about the sword he is referring to Mary's pain. She would suffer the ultimate pain when she would one day watch her darling son die for the sins of man.

II. The Method Of The Lamb's Praise

A. The Praise Was Vocal (28)

Simeon did not just see Jesus and rejoice in his heart. He opened his mouth and lifted up his voice in praise.

B. The Praise Was Visible (28)

He reached out and lifted up the baby Jesus, held Him high and praised the Lord. He was not embarrassed to vocally and visibly praise his Redeemer.

C. The Praise Was Verbal (38)

Anna enters the arena of praise and joins her voice with that of Simeon, but she adds an element by telling others what Jesus is doing.

III. The Ministry Of The Lamb's Praise

A. The Sovereign Was Exalted (28, 38)

It brought glory to God when He was praised in the Temple. Everything in the temple was about
ritual, but when Simeon and Anna broke the rituals and began to praise God, the focus was taken off the rituals and place on God, where it belonged.

B. The Saints Were Edified (33)

Mary and Joseph hear these praises and are given hope and encouragement from the praises of these precious saints of the Lord.

C. The Sinners Were Evangelized (38)

Anna went out and told others of the baby she had seen. The Bible says, "she spake of Him." Because she was verbal in her praise lost sinners heard where they could find Jesus too.


When Jesus was born Heaven got excited. Angels came down and shared the message with some poor shepherds. These men heard the praises of the angels and went to see fro themselves. They met Jesus and came away praising His name as well. When Jesus was 40 days old Mary and Joseph took Him to the temple, and He was greeted with the praises of two elderly saints, who could not contain their love for Him. All through His life Jesus was praised by those who loved Him. I can even think of two occasions when the Heavenly father spoke His Own praises out of Heaven. He said, "This is my beloved son in who I am well pleased."

I wonder how we are doing in the praise department. If you are saved, then you have a reason to praise Him. If you have been holding back, why not come to Him, ask for forgiveness and get busy exalting His name, edifying His children, and evangelizing the lost through your praise and testimony.

Of course if you are lost, then you have a different set of needs. Notice that in verse 30 Simeon talks about being able to depart because he has seen the Lord's salvation. My friend, it is of vital importance that you see God's salvation before God takes you out of this world. After death comes for you it will be too late! If you need to be saved I know that here is no better time than the present.

Come to Jesus right now!

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