Another Name for the Holy Spirit

Title: Another Name for the Holy Spirit

Bible Book: 2 John 1 : 2

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Truth; Holy Spirit



2 John 1:2


One of the most powerful forces on the earth is truth. I find it ironic that truth and the Holy Spirit can be seen as one force. People who live by the truth can live together, work together, play together or do anything together with great harmony and accuracy because truth doesn't change from person to person. The old adage that "what may be truth for you may not be truth for me" is secular bunk!

Methodology may change, that's the truth, but pure truth will not vary from person to person. If stopping your heart will cause you to die - it will cause all things with a heart to die.

I. Truth Is Unifying, Vs. 2

A. The Product of Truth, vs. 2.

For the truth's sake... Vs. 2.

This is an explanatory phrase; it can also be translated "we love you for the truth has brought us to this point". Listen! The product of truth is love! Truth will make me a better man if it's told to me in love. For a long time I had a problem with "did" and "done". A woman told me a joke about an English class's remark saying "We done good while the principal was visiting" but I never got the point. My wife, Carol, began working with me in love, not in a critical way and now I'm much better. Truth will unify us and produce in us a love for one another. Not only do we see the product of truth we also see the place of truth.

B. The Place of Truth, Vs. 2

...which dwelleth in us... vs. 2.

The Holy Spirit dwells within the believer. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life... John 14:6. John said that the Holy Spirit living in us will produce truth from our heart. Listen carefully here! Truth isn't a moral issue it's a spiritual issue and without God's Spirit in your heart you'll have a difficult time with the truth. Truth isn't external, it's internal. Believers can dwell in unity because we trust each other and because we believe God's Spirit is there. Not only do we see that truth is unifying also truth is undying.

II. Truth Is Undying, Vs. 2

A. The Promise of Truth, Vs. 2

...and shall be with us... vs. 2.

This is a promise from God's inerrant word. Truth will remain truth for Christians! Regardless of what man may do, truth will endure. Not only do we see the promise of truth we also see the period of truth.

B. The Period of Truth, Vs. 2

...for ever., vs. 2.

Truth will always be with us. Men may lie or make up lies and call it by another name but God's word says its sin and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. James 1:15.

Society may call it making love; God calls it adultery or fornication. Fashion may call it social drink; God says leave it alone when it moveth aright in the cup. Some may call it choice; God calls it murder. Free thinkers may call it gay or alternative lifestyle; God calls it an abomination.

God promised truth shall not pass away. Listen! If the church, "the elect lady," (vs. 1) is to survive she will do so by knowing and obeying the truth. That's why there's such an attack on the word of God today!

However, no matter how strong or how blatant, there's no attack on the church that will change God's truth into a lie! If we love the church of conformity, the church of comfort, and the church with no conviction, God help us! We must stick with the truth and preserve the Bride of Christ!

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