Anatomy of Paul’s Prayer    

Title: Anatomy of Paul's Prayer

Bible Book: Philemon 1 : 4

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Prayer; Christian Relationships



We often refer to the prayer life of the giants of God. In these prayers we find content and format for what we believe to be effective prayer. Paul wasn't shy about his prayer life. He was certain to let people know that he was praying for them. Letters and post cards are great ways to let people know we're praying for them. Paul uses this letter to Philemon to let him know that this isn't a letter of convenience. It's not a letter to get something he wants; it's a letter to let him know that he's always on his prayer list!

I. Paul's Personal Relationship To God, vs. 4

A. The Point Of Paul's Prayer, vs. 4

I thank my God... vs. 4. The point of Paul's prayer is to thank God. Sadly as we listen to the point of our prayers it often isn't to thank God, it's to ask Him to do something else for us or to do better at what He's doing. When we think about the anatomy of prayer it should include a period of thanksgiving. Not only do we see the point of Paul's prayer but also the person of Paul's prayer.

B. The Person Of Paul's Prayer, vs. 4 God... vs. 4. Suddenly Paul has changed the tone of the letter. He says God... Paul is reminding Philemon that He has a personal relationship to God. The word Paul uses here is the word Theos. It means the Supreme Deity. In other words Paul is reminding Philemon that he has prayed for him and he has prayed about the content of this letter. Listen to me! If people know you walk with God and that you truly have their best interest at heart they'll trust your prayer life. One pastor said the reason he didn't run for president of the SBC is because he had 150 prayer warriors praying for him and they had concluded that this wasn't the time. 150 trusted prayer warriors! People without a motive, without a bias, without a bone to pick! Paul wanted Philemon to know he'd sought God on this issue with a pure heart. Not only do we see Paul's personal relationship to God but also Paul's personal relationship to Philemon.

II. Paul's Personal Relationship To Philemon, vs. 4

A. How It Was Personal, vs. 4

...making mention... vs. 4. The word mention is actually a Greek word that means I mention you when I think about it. Because of his personal relationship to Philemon he thought of him often and he prayed for him often. Not only do we see how it was personal but also how it was perpetual.

B. How It Was Perpetual, vs. 4

...always... vs. 4. The word always doesn't mean with each prayer but rather with consistency. Some people ought to come to mind to pray for from time-to-time. I call and pray for several pastor friends and many here in this church, not every time I pray but every time God brings them to mind. Philemon was an indelible part of Paul's ministry and Paul wanted him to know that. It's a shame that so many of us only show up when we need something. We should let people know they're a regular part of  our prayer life.

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