America: Some Why Questions (Outline)

Title: America: Some Why Questions (Outline)

Bible Book: Jeremiah 8 : 5-22

Author: O.S. Hawkins

Subject: America; Independence Day; National Revival



We should make no mistake about the fact that our nation is becoming morally bankrupt because we live by a philosophy that seldom asks "why" questions and most often simply asks "what" questions. Take most any issue that plagues our culture. Teenage pregnancy is a good example. Do we ask, "Why?" No. We ask. "What? What shall we do about it?" So we distribute condoms to our teenagers. The same applies to most issues we face whether they be drugs, AIDS, or whatever. We are asking, "What?" when we ought to be asking. "Why?"

Jeremiah lived in a day much like ours. His country had been blessed and had prospered but had forgotten her roots and her God. Jeremiah was a man with a burden for the way in which his country had turned its back on God. With a weeping heart he asks, "Where is the Lord who brought you out of Egypt?" (Jeremiah 2:6). Then he came straight to the bottom line with the word from God. "They have turned their backs to me and not their face" (Jeremiah 2:27). 

Jeremiah was not into the "what" questions. He asks four hard "why" questions in chapter eight. These are the same four "whys" America needs to be asking in these days.

I. A Question For The American Public

"Why has this people slidden back?" (Jeremiah 8:5)

II. A Question For The American Pew

"Why do we sit still?" (Jeremiah 8:14)   

III. A Question For The American Politician

"Why have they provoked me to anger?" (Jeremiah 8:19).   

IV. A Question For The American Pulpit

"Why is there no recovery, is there no balm in Gilead, is there no physician there?" (Jeremiah 8:22). 


We are living in the most important days of modern history. These are days of tremendous possibility. Revivals are usually born out of days of great despair when hope is almost gone.

It is not too late - if we stop asking "What?" and begin to deal with root issues by asking "Why?" Don't blame our politicians. We have a generation in America today who do not know Christ because we have failed to make Him known.

Jeremiah said it best, "Ask for the old paths where the good way is and walk in them and you will find rest for your souls" (Jeremiah 6:16).

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