A Subtle Reminder

Title: A Subtle Reminder

Bible Book: Philemon 1 : 3

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Appreciation; Gratitude; Praise



We all need to be reminded from time to time from whence we came. Sometimes we go through life as though we've never had to arrive because we've always been there. Or at the least we've been there longer and better than anyone else. This wasn't an unusual greeting from Paul, he used it on several occasions in one form or another but here I can see Paul thinking about it. For him it's not a cliché that he says. It's a subtle reminder for the reader.

I. What you Have, vs. 3.

A. You have a Grace Gift, vs. 3.

Grace to you... vs. 3. Someone has said grace means God's riches at Christ's expense. In other words it's something you get that you don't deserve that brings blessing into your life. Paul is reminding Philemon that he too has been given an unconditional pardon. Do you ever stop and think about that before you accuse your fellowman? My son, Jeff, said that slow drivers used to really bother him until one day he just started saying, "That could be my dad up there." I say to Jeff, son, one day that will be you up there! We need to take it easy on people because in all likelihood we've been where they are or we're headed that way. Paul is reminding Philemon that he's got something he didn't deserve; grace. Not only do you have a grace gift but also you have a good gift.

B. You have a Good Gift, vs. 3.

...and peace... vs. 3. If 95% of the world would be honest they'd admit that peace is the most sought after gift in the world. If you've got peace about your future, your kids, your job, your health, your walk with God and yourself you've got it all! Peace isn't just a good gift, it's the best gift! Paul wanted Philemon to have peace about the decision he was about to make concerning Onesimus. But peace

isn't what he offers or gives. Paul had to take this one step further. He not only wanted Philemon to see what he had but also he wanted Philemon to see who he had.

II. Who he Had, vs. 3.

A. He had a Devoted Union, vs. 3.

...from God our Father... vs. 3. First from the Creator of all mankind, God. Second from Paul himself. Sometimes there are times when we just can't make a decision on our own. Paul assured Philemon that God is our Father. We're in this together! Paul is saying I want to be a partner with you in doing the right thing. He's saying to Philemon, God owns us and there are many mistakes He helps us through. You own Onesimus but can you reflect God in his life? He not only had a devoted union but also he had a divine union.

B. He had a Divine Union, vs. 3.

...and the Lord Jesus Christ., vs. 3. What an empowering phrase! God's here, I'm here and the Lord Jesus is here! What is Paul saying? I know God's in this letter! I know God's in me! I know God's in you! We've got to see this whole thing from God's perspective! Sometimes that changes our focus. We've got to see the whole picture. Paul wants the decisions that have to be made made with not Onesimus in mind so much as with God in mind. That's how God wants us to live everyday.

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