A Secret of Triumphant Churches

Title: A Secret of Triumphant Churches

Bible Book: Acts 2 : 42-47

Author: J. Mike Minnix

Subject: Church Life; Unity; Partnership in Church; Church Fellowship


A Secret of Triumphant Churches

J. Mike Minnix

Acts 2:42-47

"And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers. Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles. Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need. So continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved." (NKJV)

A Triumphant Church is a church with unity and faithful partnership in the King’s business. So, our subject tonight is partnership or unity within the church. Unity is a beautiful and vital part of God’s work in His people. In a world where people are at war with each other, God’s people should show the nature of God’s love in their unity with each other.

Needless to say, we are living in a hateful generation today. One quick look at Twitter accounts and other forms of open communication reveal the deep nature of personal bitterness in people toward others. Politically, religiously, and personally people tend to express hate toward each other. This kind of behavior and thinking never belongs within those who know and love Jesus. And, the local church congregation ought to represent the love and nature of Jesus, not the nature of the world or age in which we live.

A man went to his doctor to get some medicine to calm his nerves. He had been on edge and was short with almost everybody to whom he talked. The doctor gave him a prescription and the man filled it. Two weeks later the man went back to the doctor and asked him to change the prescription. The doctor asked, “Is the medicine not working?” The man replied, “Oh yes, it is working, it is just that I’m beginning to be nice to people at church that I don’t even like.”

Some people in the church family are simply crabby, touchy and cantankerous. They usually have a conflict with every issue that comes before the church and with every leader who holds a position of authority in the fellowship. Others simply clash in personality. Some differ over decisions that the church members make. No church with this habit can ever be truly successful or triumphant.

Church division is a major cause of people dropping out of church attendance and participation today, and I guess that has always been a danger among God's people. Certainly that is no excuse for departing the work and ministry of the church, but it is true that any pastor who has led a church very long has discovered people who say, “Well, preacher, I just quit because I got my feelings hurt.“ What a shame. It seems that people who act this way have forgotten what our Lord suffered to save them. Also, they have pushed aside the memory of the precious saints who were martyred for the faith. Bruised feelings do not qualify as a reason to forsake the local church. Christ died for the Church and gave Himself for her.

The early church, as described in Acts 2, was a church of wonderful unity. Tonight we are going to look at that unity, the Nature of it, and the Cause of it - along with the resuls that accured because of it.

I. The Nature of their Unity

A. The Same Deficiency

All of the members in the Church at Jerusalem were sinners saved by grace and they knew it. They were alike in the fact that each one had to admit that they were no good in order to get into the church. Look at Psalm 53:3. All have gone astray. There is no one who is righteous. This is a basic principle by which we must come to the Lord if we expect to have unity in the local church. We are all nothing without Jesus! John said that we are liars if we say that we have not sinned (1 John 1:8). So unity begins at the Cross where we all kneel before the Master and admit our likeness in being sinners before Him.

B. The Same Deliverer

Jesus creates our unity. Acts 4:12 states that there is no other name given among men whereby we must be saved. John reminds us of Jesus’ own words ...

“No man comes to Father but by me.”

We are united in the One who redeems us. The Christian life in the kingdom is like a triangle. No matter how far apart we are on the horizontal lines of difference, we are united when the vertical lines bring up to a point where we meet Jesus.

We need to recall that Christ loved Simon Peter even after he had denied Him at the time of His greatest need. We are to love each other just as Jesus loves each of us - and He loves us even when have failed Him. That is the nature of divine love, and the more we become like Christ the more we can act like Him. When we are united in Him, it removes the things that divide us.

C. The Same Divinity

The Spirit of God resides in each of us. Look at Romans 8:9. Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-14. The Holy Spirit dwells in us. We have the same Lord in our very being. We are all of one family. We are all of one body. We are the Body of Christ in this world, and Jesus is the Head. The same Holy Spirit that resides in me resides in you. He can lead us to a unity of love, fellowship, service, worship and church participation regardless of the things that may seem to divide us.

D. The Same Destiny

We are all on our way to heaven - one heaven - the same heaven for all who are saved. We are going to live together over there so we ought to make sure that we get along with each other down here. To do this, we need to remember that the things that often separate the people of God are not nearly as important as the things which unite us.

The poet mused:

“To dwell above with those we love,

That will be glory;

But, to live below with those we now,

Now that is another story.”

Well, it shouldn’t be. We are one people, with one Lord, and we are all going to live in one heaven. The early church members knew this and it helped them unite in the great work God had given them.

II. The Cause of their Unity

The New Testament Church had three things that helped draw them together. There are others I am sure, but these three are significant. When we get our attention off ourselves and onto the right things unity is the result.

A. Devoted to Learning

The early church focused on the Word of God. My dear friends, the Word of God unites God’s people. We study together, worship together and learn together around God’s Word. The early Christians were devoted to the Word. Now, remember, they didn’t have the New Testament we have. They had the word of the Apostles, to be sure, but they mostly studied New Testament truth by discerning the application from the Old Testament. They saw Jesus on every page. They knew He was the Serpent on the Pole in the day of Moses. They knew He was the Water from the Rock in the Wilderness. They knew He was the Lamb of sacrifice as the people left Egypt. That devotion to Him and His Word united them.

B. Determined in Loving

They loved each other. This was not any easier for them then than it is for you now. They had to be determined to make this unity a way of life. They were remember that our Lord had given them a New Commandment – that they should love one another as He loved them. Oh, that we could re-learn that lesson among the members of the churches that make up the congregations in this modern day.

C. Dedicated in Looking

They looked to God faithfully. They did not focus on the world or on each other. They were faithful in prayer and praise – twin ways to focus on God. We have two eyes and they should remind us to pray and praise. One is worship and the other is fellowship with Him.

They were also looking for His coming. They had their eyes on the skies. We ought to live as God’s people as if Jesus were coming today. If He should come today, you would certainly want Him to find you in loving, united fellowship with those in the fellowship of His Church.

III. The Results of their Unity

A. Joy for the Church

This passage resounds with joy. A united church is a church of joy and happiness. Disunity brings pain and sorrow. We are promised a joy unspeakable and full of glory, and it is impossible to know that joy if we are in conflict. The Lord prayed in John 17 for us to know His joy. We are reminded in Hebrews 12:3 that Jesus had joy even when He was on the cross dying for our sins. If divine joy could do that for Him on the cross, you can be sure that His joy can help you endure all manner of hardships for his glory.

B. Influence through the Church

The world sat up and took notice of the early church. Why? We are told that the people recognized how they loved one another. How about that! The world saw them working together and accomplishing great things in unity. Look at Acts 4:47. It says clearly that they had favor with all the people.

It is a terrible thing that Christians within some congregations actual take one another to court for control of the organization. Beyond the local church, we discover some leaders suing each other over control of denominational issues. What a sad and defeating activity. The New Testament shocked the world with their love and we ought to be doing the same.

I thank God for this church. There is an unusual unity here. Members mention to me often that they have never been in a fellowship that is as unified and sweet as this one. How it gladdens my heart to hear that and to see it for myself. That is one reason we are growing in number. It is a credit to your commitment to our Lord. But, we must never take this unity for granted. We must always remember that our influence on our city and area is limited to our unity in God’s work.

C. Growth in the Church

The Lord added DAILY to their number. People were being saved everyday! What a church. Since someone was being added to the church (the Body of Christ) daily, it meant that the church was winning a minimum of 365 people a year to Christ. Oh, that we had such a goal. We should never be satisfied with 100 baptisms a year. There are people to reach and we must lock hearts and arms to reach them.


These early church members were in unity in Christ. This gave them joy, peace and effectiveness in reaching the lost world around them. Let us contine in this unity, and as we do, we will continue to reach people with the gospel and salvation of our Lord.

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