A Refreshing Friend

Title: A Refreshing Friend

Bible Book: 3 John

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christian Living; Christian Friendship



There are few people in the world that you can look square in the face and tell the truth about them without hurting their feelings. The bible records that there are such men. Acts 6:3 tells us to ...look ye out among you seven men of honest report... There was Cornelius in Acts 10:22; Timothy in Acts 16:2; and Ananias in Acts 22:12. These people are refreshing friends. They're easy to be with.

They're understanding of other people's humanity.

I. John's Report, Vs. 12

A. Good Report Includes Conduct, Vs. 12

Demetrius hath good report... vs. 12. The phrase good report is all inclusive; it means Demetrius was reliable as a friend. Have you ever had a friend that could be your friend one day and not the next? I don't know why but preachers seem to have a lot of those "friends". Demetrius would always be there for you and if you displeased him for whatever reason he handled it in a Godly fashion. His conduct was always beyond reproach. Notice not only that a good report includes conduct it also includes content.

B. A Good Report Includes Content, Vs. 12

...of the truth itself... vs. 12. This means one important thing, Demetrius' conduct stemmed from good content. He let the truth, the content of God's word, impact his life. What does this mean? Listen closely! He didn't base his attitude towards people on what other people told him or what other people did to him or his friends. He based his attitude on truth! Too many people are mad at others because of what somebody else told them. I don't care if it's your brother, sister, child or mother who tells you something, your reaction should be based on God's truth not on your love for your brother, sister, child or mother! Demetrius was that kind of friend. Not only do we see John's report we also see John's record.

II. John's Record, Vs. 12

A. Demetrius' Record Was Tried, Vs. 12

...we also bear record... vs. 12. A record is different than a report. A report is one report card. A record is all the report cards put together. Anybody can have a good report for one day but a good record - that's a different story. In essence John said you know Demetrius has been a faithful, loving servant while he's been in your church but I've known him a long time and I know he's genuine. Notice not only Demetrius' record was tried but also John's record was true.

B. John's Record Was True, Vs. 12

...ye know that our record is true., vs. 12. John had also built a reputation for himself. ...ye know... isn't it great when people know you and still trust and rely on you! I'm here to tell you that there are few church members like that anymore! Good, loving, steadfast, understanding, weighing every situation before you speak, self sacrificing, God serving Christians are hard to find. Do people think of you as Diotrophes or Demetrius?

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