A Personal Note To Believers

Title: A Personal Note To Believers

Bible Book: 3 John

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Christian Living; Personal Involvement



From time to time we see a special word in God's word, the little word "we". When we see that little word it's a time for the Christian to stop and think about the verse as a special word from God to me as an individual. Let's look tonight at that special word and what God says "we" ought to consider together.

I. God's Word To Us - Verse 8

A. Who Will Get A Word From God - Verse 8

"We therefore," verse 8. Again "we" says something to a specific group of people. It's explained in the word therefore. John has broadened his letter to Gaius in saying that Gaius has done exactly what God expected of him as explained in verses 1-7. The word "we" means those who are like us. It's interesting to note that God is very interested in giving His people a word. While we often tend to think God has a complicated list for us as we search the scripture we actually find it's only a word at a time - come - repent - believe - go - obey - study - give - it's really not a lot of hard stuff. "We" simply means we who are of the family of God "therefore" means because they're taking the gospel. Notice not only who will get a word from God but also why we get a word from God.

B. Why We Get A Word From God - Verse 8

"ought," vs. 8. We think we get a word from God because they're taking the gospel but no, we actually get a word from God to remind us that this is part of the Christian life and something we ought to do. The word ought is an interesting word in the Greek. It's the word of i lo and carries with it the idea that you're paying a debt. In other words it's what you offer to Christ in appreciation for what Christ has done for us. It also goes a step deeper; it implies that we owe it to Him or that we should at least feel like we owe it to Him. So God's Spirit speaks to us about the needs of these who carry the gospel.

I remember thinking many times about the man who led me to the Lord and telling him under no uncertain terms that whatever I had belonged to him. I just felt that he'd done the greatest work in the world by winning me to Christ! It sort of proof texts this verse, at least in my own life. Not only do we see God's word for us we also see God's work through us.

II. God's Work Through Us - Verse 8

A. We Become Partners To The Travelers - Verse 8

"that we might be fellowhelpers," verse 8.

John tells Gaius that we all can become part of God's work as we do the other tasks involved. What does this mean to us today?

I know there are some churches that don't believe in music but I do. I don't want to go to a church where there's no music, no choir, no orchestra, no congregational singing, no Sunday school, no nursery, no sound, no visuals, no Kid's Church, no ushers, no amen's. It takes a lot of people to do what we do on Sunday morning and evening and Wednesday. Thank God for co-laborers in the ministry. I wish a pastor or two was all it took but it takes hundreds of laborers in the field to do ministry! We're fellowhelpers. Not only do we see we become partners to the travelers but also we become partners to the truth.

B. We Become Partners To The Truth - Verse 8

"to the truth.," verse 8.

We're to have one goal, one purpose - to spread the truth of God's word! It means likeminded. The true notions of God which are open to human reasoning. In other words, did you ever hear someone justify their sin by saying, "It ain't in the bible"? That's why Baptists are Baptists, especially those of the Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia. We're likeminded on the things the bible may not be specific on like using alcohol, smoking, gambling, etc. We help promote our moral and religious beliefs when we support the ministry of truth!

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