A Needed Rest

Title: A Needed Rest

Bible Book: Psalms 23 : 2

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: God's Provision; Rest; God's Care



Psalm 23:2

In verse one we saw clearly that a spiritual relationship brought about a spiritual reality. If you've humbled yourself and have become a sheep and if you have allowed the Lord to be your Shepherd, I know something about you; you shall not want! There are many reasons, or excuses, why people today still want. I thank God that He was quick to remind us that He is not about to let one; no, not even the weakest of His sheep burn out. Notice with me where this refreshing rest comes from.

I. God Reveals A Holy Leading, Vs. 2

A. God's Leading To Rest, Vs. 2

He maketh me to lie down... vs. 2.

Some may say, "If we did everything you say we should do we couldn't make it!" Listen to this great truth! God sees the mountain ahead and He won't let you walk so far as to not be able to climb it! The word of God promises all that follow the Shepherd will find time to rest.

Notice the phrase “maketh me.” This is literally translated “causeth me.” We see something interesting her. God will, if necessary, cause you to slow down, to take a break.

God's not asking you to get on the highway and drive at full speed the rest of your life. He's asking you to take a trip and to stop and see the blessings. He wants you to stop and watch Him work, to stop and laugh, to stop and play. He wants you to stop and enjoy the ministry that you do.

We not only see God's leading to rest, but also God's leading to refreshment.

B. God's Leading to Refreshment, Vs. 2

...in green pastures... vs. 2.

God doesn't just ask those who serve Him to take time to rest, He also tells them how to rest “in green pastures” vs. 2. You see, when God calls us to rest or makes us to lie down it will be a place that truly refreshes us. Notice the word “green.” This isn't just any old pasture of stubble. This pasture appeals to us. The word green indicates the best available. Green shows the quality of God's rest in your life.

Have you ever gotten back from a vacation only to find you're more exhausted than before you left? God will not lead you to a place that will burn you out further.

Not only has God made us lie down in a beautiful place of rest and revealed His holy leading, but also He reveals His holy limits.

II. He Reveals His Holy Limits, Vs. 2

A. The Place of His Limits, Vs. 2

...he leadeth me beside... vs. 2.

It's interesting to note here the word "beside." "Beside" is a term of safety. There's no greater strength in a child's life than to know their parents are beside them.

Look, I'm not in the water, I'm beside it. It's a place where I can reach it, but it can't reach me. I didn't go alone; He was with me.

Notice “He leadeth me.” That simply means, "Don't fret the requirements of vs. 1, “The Lord is my shepherd." God will comfortably, gently, guide you to a place you can rest and be restored for future ministry.

I'm glad God is quick to remind us that one of the rewards for letting Him be our Guide for all of life's matters is a period of refreshing. Not only do we see the place of His limits but also the protection of His love.

B. The Protection of His Love, Vs. 2

...beside the still waters, vs. 2.

The still waters are a place the sheep love to be. Do you see the connection here? God loves us and wants to reward those who follow Him with the desires of their hearts. God's not going to let us rush into the waves. He's not going to let us pass the water and wind up in the desert.

Christ, our Good Shepherd, He will lead us and protect us by His great love.

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