A Life Pleasing To God Part 1

Title: A Life Pleasing To God Part 1

Bible Book: Colossians 1 : 9-11

Author: Donnie L. Martin

Subject: Pleasing God; Christian Living; Godly Living



Paul was controlled by the earnest desire that each one should understand the hope of his calling, in order that their life and walk might be in harmony with it, and that they might remember they were here to represent Christ, their risen Head. In verses 9-11, we have set forth certain blessings for which Paul prays. There is something very precious and exceedingly instructive in being permitted to share the thoughts of, and notice the petitions offered up by the Apostle Paul for the Lord's people in various circumstances. His deep concern for their growth in grace, their enlightenment in divine things, their apprehension of the purpose of God, and the manifestation of spiritual power in their life; all these come out very strikingly as he bows his knees before the God and Father of our Lord   Jesus Christ. He was not content to know people were saved and safe for eternity. All of this formed the burden of his prayers. It was his deep-hearted desire to see the Colossians walk with God.

I. The Foundation of a Life Pleasing to God v.9

A. Inspired Desire 9a

"filled" - passive voice indicates that this ministry is performed by God through the Holy Spirit. Spiritual truth is imparted to spiritual hearts by the Spirit of God. We read in 1 Corinthians 2:10-12, "But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.""filled" - verb means to fill out to completion.

B. Instructed Direction 9b

"the knowledge of His will" - an intensive, thorough knowledge; a perception of the divine mind. It stressed a true knowledge of God and His will. It speaks of personal rather than intellectual knowledge. Most truths may be learned; divine truth must be revealed. God will always make known His will to His children who want to know and do it, because they love it. A child of God must recognize the truth that the will of God offers the best avenue for his life even before he knows what that will is.

Paul prayed for the Colossians to be filled with the knowledge of His will. This suggests that His knowledge pervades all of one's being: thoughts, affections, purposes, plans. Think of a blank sheet of paper. Before I can receive what He has for me I must receive who He is to me - Creator, Lord, Master, God, He is love. Now! Do I fill out the blank sheet and seek His endorsement, or do I sign over the blank sheet of paper and ask Him to fill it in?To be filled with such knowledge, one must empty himself of his self-will, "Not my will, but thine, be done.

"Two Qualifying Nouns are seen here v.9" wisdom" "understanding" The acquisition of knowledge and the application of that knowledge to a specific concern. It consists in the ability to act and think spiritually. Wisdom is the ability to use knowledge aright, and is imparted by the Spirit, and He alone gives true understanding. Therefore, if we would learn the mind of God as revealed in His Word, there must be subjection of heart to the divine Teacher, and that self-judgment and self-distrust which leads me to walk softly before God. The concept of wisdom deals with what we should be and do. The idea of understanding refers to how we accomplish those goals.

II. The Fruit of a Life Pleasing to God v.10-11

"that" is used twice, showing us that Paul prayed with a goal in mind. The purpose of the prayer is that the Colossians might live a life worthy and pleasing to the Lord. The context teaches that it is wisdom applied to living, not simply wisdom related to knowledge. The prayer was directed to transformation of character and witness.

Paul prays that they "may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him."Means to live a life that is commemorate with what the Lord has done for us and is to us. It suggests acting in conformity with our union with Christ and with His purpose for our lives. The ultimate aim of knowing the will of God and living a worthy life is that we may "please Him in every way.""Pleasing" - an attitude of mind that anticipates every wish.

A. Exhibit Fruitfulness 10a

The Christian life is to exhibit continued fruitfulness; active goodness of every kind. Refers to evangelism and to the fruit of the Spirit in the Christian's life. The gospel has innate fruit-bearing properties, but the believer must actively yield himself to the indwelling Holy Spirit in order to produce fruit.John 15:4, "Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in  the vine, no more can ye, except ye abide in me." It is the evidence of genuine discipleship and results in the glorification of God. John 15:8, "In this is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples." "in every good work" - the believer should never make a distinction between sacred and the secular. He must glorify God in everything that he does.

B. Experience Spiritual Enlargement 10b

"increasing in the knowledge of God" - this teaches that the "server" will benefit from service by an increased understanding of God, both mentally and experientially.

Obedience to the work of God brings further knowledge of God himself."increasing" - denotes constant growth. The verb form depicts a tree which yields its fruit and keeps on growing, in contrast to grain which produces its harvest and then dies. It is a process whereby our capacity for God grows larger.This passage distinguishes between a Christian and a "spiritual Christian."

C. Empowered By His Might 11

Inner spiritual fortitude. The believer does not strengthen himself, but he must be submissive to God who provides the moral enablement.

Philippians 4:13 reads, "I can do all things through Christ, who strengtheneth me."

The empowerment is "according to His (God's) glorious might." It is not proportioned simply to our need, but to God's abundant supply.

"strengthen in all strength""enabled in all enablement""all" - for every requirement there is power available. God never asks His children to do anything without first supplying them with the power to do it."His glorious power" - the power of His glory; the glory of God expresses outwardly who He is. God, here, reveals Himself through what He enables the believer to do with the ability which only He can provide. Up to the limit of His power.

1. Gives Patience 11a

The thought of uncomplaining suffering; endurance; perseverance under trials, in the will of God. To remain under; some believe it refers to circumstances sent by God, while longsuffering is the endurance of things imposed by man. A person is patient when he remains steadfast under the difficult pressures of life.It is not, therefore, so much a passive acceptance of the inevitable, as an active unrelenting endeavor even in spite of difficulty and trial. It is the opposite of cowardice and despondency. The capacity to see things through. A state of emotional calm in the face of misfortune and without complaining or irritation. Neither circumstances nor people are to upset the person who walks in the will of God.

2. Gives Longsuffering 11b

The opposite of wrath or a spirit of revenge. It speaks of even-tempered, the attitude that in spite of injury or insult does not retaliate. (Wrath that is put far away) The Spirit-controlled believer puts a distance between himself and his enemy.

This inner strengthening is humble endurance of trials with "joy." Joy gives optimism, triumph, and trust. The joy of the Lord is your strength.

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