A Joyful Observation

Title: A Joyful Observation

Bible Book: 2 John 1 : 4

Author: Kenneth Hendricks

Subject: Obedience; Christian Living



Do you think there are people that know you but you don't know them? Sometimes we think people don't know what's happening within the walls of our churches yet that is far from the truth. John apparently visited churches from time to time; some he may have been known in such as in the book of III John. However the book of I John reminds us that John had converts all over Asia Minor. I believe that John watched over these missions with love and concern.

I. A Word To The Mother Church, Vs. 4

A. What He Felt, Vs. 4

I rejoiced greatly... vs. 4.

The joy at finding other Christians who walk in obedience to God's truth is overwhelming. Whether you know it or not we hear what happens in other churches and they hear about us. When people hear about our church they ought to love us or hate us, but there's no room in-between. What a feeling of joy John received as he visited the mission churches from the mother church and found them sound in their doctrine. Not only do we see what he felt but also what he found.

B. What He Found, Vs. 4

...that I found of thy children walking in truth... vs. 4.

Listen! John didn't say I rejoiced that I found a funny bible school or a drama with great props or a beautifully built building with all the latest equipment. All that stuff means nothing to God. Listen now! Nothing if there's not truth! Notice the word walking. It means they were doing all of these ministries but they were doing them with a true message! People know if your ministry is there for entertainment or for God's glory. They know if they get pumped up or built up. John found the truth in these churches. Not only do we see a word to the mother church but also a word from the heavenly Father.

II. A Word From The Heavenly Father, Vs. 4

A. The Authority Of The Truth, Vs. 4

...as we have received a commandment... vs. 4.

Notice John says a commandment! God doesn't suggest we obey the truth He commands it! When we obey the truth it gives us the authority to claim its content. We can say with confidence that we own all the promises of God's word because His word is truth. Listen! Truth can be claimed, relied on and used to a specific end. We have been commanded to obey the truth and that gives us the authority to obey it. Not only do we see the authority of the truth but also the Author of the truth.

B. The Author Of The Truth, Vs. 4

...from the Father, vs. 4.

There can be no greater authority than that. There can be no more comfort than that. Honestly, we don't have to worry about obeying God's word. Some people are afraid to follow Christ because they won't have time and money for the things they want. Listen, get this great truth! God doesn't want to make us unhappy! He loves us and wants to work in His plan so we can work it out. I promise on the authority of God's word even your tough times will be easier with obedience to God's word. His word is truth! He wrote it and He knows the impact and the outcome. I rejoice with John when I see Christians believing God's truth, trusting Him by faith and following His course for their life.

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